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7 Quotes in Honour of Social Work Month

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

March was Social Work Month and what better way wrap it up and raise awareness by posting a few of my favourite Social Work related quotes.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

-Dr. Seuss

It is all about empathy; putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. People just want someone who will listen with care.

“Social workers help others help themselves.”


Social work is not advice giving or making decisions for others. Social work is about meeting people where they are at; it is about working with others as opposed to working over others. Social workers empower people so that they can flourish.

“When you do “it” right, Social Work is a feeling that is larger than your own life.”

― Ogden W. Rogers, Beginnings, Middles, & Ends: Sideways Stories on the Art & Soul of Social Work

There isn’t a better feeling than watching someone grow or recognizing that a neighbourhood is creating a sense of community and becoming self-sustaining. It is about advocating and pushing for a better environment, treatment, law etc and not stopping until things get done. A victory, no matter how big or small it may be to you, is a huge impact in a person’s life… and that change all came from within the person themselves.

“Social work is power with an ethical base. There is no greater responsibility than to recognize and use that power wisely.”  (communitycare.co.uk)

Social workers, at times, may work with vulnerable individuals. You have an ethical duty to maintain confidentiality, create professional boundaries, and identify power imbalances and not doing so is a great misuse of power. As a service provider, it is important that you recognize how your privilege puts you in a position of power. Being self-aware of your intersectional identity is what allows you to break down the power imbalance. So check your bias and check your privilege.

Happy Social Work Month!


Melissa is a Social Work and Psychology student at the University of Windsor and just recently joined Her Campus! She describes herself as an empath, future thinker, and coffee connoisseur. Melissa enjoys staying up-to-date on the latest beauty trends, writing for Her Campus, hanging out with family and friends, and spending time with her Maltese Shih Tzu puppy. Contact: ristovsm@uwindsor.ca