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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

There are two major holidays that Muslims celebrate globally: Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. Eid Al-Fitr is the celebration at the end of Ramadan (the Islamic holy month of fasting), while Eid Al-Adha is a celebration of a sacrifice made by the Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Both holidays are celebrated by Muslims around the world. However, Muslims around the world and of different cultures have differing Eid traditions, which is what I’m discussing today! Here is a list of countries where Eid is celebrated with differing traditions!


I’m starting with my own country! This is how my family and I, being from Lebanon, generally celebrate Eid. Typically, we wake up early in the morning for an early prayer (I believe Muslims do this globally though, not just in Lebanon). Usually, Muslims go to their local mosque for the Eid prayer. Afterwards, we visit the graves of our late family and make Duaa, which is a type of prayer. Then we visit our extended family’s homes, spend time with them, sometimes exchange gifts, and then we go and have a nice dinner. It’s very simple and very nice. 


In Pakistan, Muslims make a lot of preparations for Eid. They prepare their holiday clothes and do a deep cleaning of their homes. They have a lot of sweets and savoury foods prepared for themselves and their families, like biryani (a rice dish). And of course, they attend Eid prayer early in the morning as well. Muslims in Pakistan use this holiday to reunite with friends and family whom they haven’t seen in a long time. It’s a way to reconnect. 


After Muslims in Turkey attend the Eid prayer, they traditionally return to their homes, where an animal is prepared to be blessed and then sacrificed (typically a lamb, goat, or sheep). After the animal is sacrificed and butchered, it’s shared among the family, and everything left over would be donated to the less-fortunate. Finally, as usual, Muslims visit their friends and families and share a lovely meal together. 


The day before Eid, Muslims in Morocco are hard at work preparing Moroccan cookies and pastries. Dinner dishes like couscous, lamb or beef, chicken, and more are also prepared for family gatherings. Traditionally, however, their celebration of Eid is a little lowkey. They either choose to have a nice big dinner with extended family, or they can have their own dinner before visiting their friends and families. More gift exchanges, an offering of Zakaat (charity), and more Eid prayers follow; Morocco’s celebrations are as lovely as they sound! 


Muslims in Indonesia prepare foods like ketupat and cookies like kastengel. They also do something called Sungkeman, which is a tradition to ask forgiveness from those in their family. Similarly, there is another tradition called Halal Bihalal, which is a visitation to their elders to ask forgiveness. And of course, there’s a gift exchange as well as a beautiful dinner gathering. 

A lot of these traditions are very similar, and that is because the purpose of Eid is to celebrate those around you, to pray to God, give to charity, and seek forgiveness. Whether you make this celebration lowkey or an entire festival, it is always meaningful. For me, it’s a means of reconnecting with my family and remembering my purpose in the world, as a human being and as a proud Muslim. 


How Does Pakistan Celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr?




Nawal Jasey is the Writing Director at the Her Campus UWindsor Chapter. She is responsible for scheduling writers for article postings as well as writing articles herself. Prior to this, she was part of the writing team as a simple writer. Her content normally depicts entertainment, life experiences, and personal cultural and/or religious topics. Nawal attends the University of Windsor as a senior undergraduate under the English program, where she mainly studies different branches of English literature including Victorian, Renaissance, Restoration, and more. Furthermore, she studies creative writing to pursue her dream of becoming an author. She attends several reading events hosted by different authors to help inspire her creative writing. She has independently published a fiction fantasy novel and continues to write more stories for the future. In her free time, Nawal loves to read and write fiction and epic fantasy novels. She would rather shop for books than for clothes any day. She is an anime and manga lover and considers herself a massive and proud nerd. She enjoys baking and playing the piano (not at all professionally) while cuddling her adorable kitty named Sabo.