Bob’s Burgers is, in my opinion, one of the greatest animated series of the 21st century. There are no insane witty gimmicks; the show focuses on a family of husband Bob, wife Linda, and their three children Tina, Gene, and Louise, who navigate day by day through the world whilst trying to keep their restaurant afloat. Each episode also usually has other recurring characters such as Teddy the handyman, Mort the mortician, and friends of the children. One of my favourite aspects of the show is that although the characters don’t properly age, the timeline is still cyclical. They go through the year celebrating major holidays and weather changes so that the viewer can keep up with where the story is taking place.
Out of all the themed episodes, the Halloween ones are by far my favourite. Each episode special does its best to reflect a depiction of the holiday while still making sure it is original enough. I genuinely mean it when I say that there really aren’t any bad Bob’s Burgers episodes, but with that being said, they can’t all be the best. I decided to take it upon myself to rewatch every Halloween episode to truly figure out which episode outwardly screams Halloween. This ranking is solely based on my opinion, and there may be aspects that I like that others don’t and vice versa.Â
11. “Pig Trouble in Little Tina” (Season 10 Episode 4)
In this episode, Tina is facing haunting repercussions of making fun of the fetal pig she dissected in class while Bob and Linda work on cleaning Bob’s ears. I will say, as much as I love the cinematic parallels to A Nightmare on Elm Street films, I feel that this episode could have gone so much further. The B plot isn’t as strong as the A plot, and the resolution of the episode was a tad lackluster in comparison to other episode resolutions.
10. “Teen-a-Witch” (Season 7 Episode 3)
For this episode, Tina dabbles in witchcraft while attempting to win the school costume contest but is sidetracked when she gets cursed by the crosswalk lady. Additionally, Bob is trying to catch whoever is taking all his Jack-o-lanterns. I actually prefer the B plot in this episode as I find it really entertaining. When I look at this episode by itself, it’s a solid Bob’s Burgers episode; however, when I compare it to the others on this list, it doesn’t stand out.
9. “Apple Gore-Chard! (But Not Gory)” (Season 13 Episode 6)
In the most recent Halloween episode, Louise and Bob go on a field trip to a strange apple orchard while Tina and Gene try to navigate through the school day and not destroy their costumes before the costume parade. There are a lot of neat and funny pop culture references that got a chuckle out of me. The farm owners are a bit eerie, but overall, it’s a rather simple episode.
8. “Heartbreak Hotel-oween” (Season 11 Episode 4)
During this episode’s Halloween, Louise conjures up a plan to get revenge on a neighbour who shorthanded her but is interrupted by a strange woman that they meet in a hotel. Simultaneously, Bob, Linda, and Teddy donate blood, but Bob is very squeamish. I really like how this episode goes between the mysterious main plot and the humorous secondary story. The only reason this episode isn’t placed higher is because this isn’t really a story that is Halloween-specific.Â
7. “Tina and The Real Ghost” (Season 5 Episode 2)
Tina really has a habit of getting herself into these spooky Halloween antics, eh? In this episode, the family captures a ghost named Jeff in a box, and Tina starts to date him. While the kids introduce Jeff to everyone at school, paranormal investigators come to the restaurant, and Bob uses them to attract more business. I really enjoy the ghost movie cliches that are scattered throughout the episode. This was also the very first episode of Bob’s Burgers I ever saw, so it’s safe to say I’m a little biased.
6. “The Pumpkinening” (Season 12 Episode 3)
Linda and her sister Gayle are forced to return to their hometown and confront what they did on Halloween when they were in highschool while Bob and the kids stay at home handing out candy. I enjoy the consistent flashbacks to Linda and Gayle in highschool and how the main story is set up like a teen-slasher movie; it really puts you in the story. The B plot is also pretty entertaining, as it involves watching the Belcher children grow more and more impatient as more kids show up for Halloween candy.
5. “Wolf of Wharf Street” (Season 8 Episode 3)
Since Bob is at home with a broken leg and being looked after by Teddy, Linda takes the kids Trick-or-treating, but rumors of a werewolf in town keep almost everyone off the streets. This episode has awesome costumes for the Belcher family, some of the best in the entire series. The main locations of fog-filled streets and a living room only lit by a TV also really set the mood. Additionally, Bob’s paranoia helps to heighten the senses of the viewer. I really like how both plots surround the same central theme; they are both equally entertaining to watch.
4. “Full Bars” (Season 3 Episode 2)
        In the first Halloween special, the kids go trick-or-treating on King’s Head Island and spend the evening avoiding the teenager during Hell Hunt; meanwhile, Bob and Linda are stuck at Teddy’s Halloween party when they find out that Francis the guinea pig has been killed. Although this is the first Halloween episode, it doesn’t disappoint and still holds up to this day. I love that you get a bit of insight into some of the recurring characters in this episode. I think this is a classic example of a Bob’s Burgers episode where you get to see how creative the kids are at solving a problem and saving the island kids from the older counterparts.
3. “Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street” (Season 9 Episode 4)Â
In this Halloween special, the neighbourhood kids are on the lookout for the hottest candy of the season but are interrupted when their candy starts to get stolen. Meanwhile, Teddy gets into a decorating contest showdown with the handyman next door. What I love about this episode is how hectic the trick-or-treating scenes feel. Every time someone loses their candy, the animation is done so beautifully that you don’t even notice until it has already been done. This is an episode where you’ll feel immersed in the story and in the characters’ world. It is truly an outstanding and incredible episode.
2. “The Hauntening” (Season 6 Episode 3)Â
This is such a unique episode in comparison to the others because there is only one plotline. The plot focuses on the kids going through a haunted house made by their parents, but as they’re about to leave, mishap after mishap happens. This episode really had me stumped the first time I watched it. Each of the new aspects introduced (a creepy house, an old neighbourhood, etc) really just adds layers to the episode in a way you wouldn’t expect an animated show to do. I don’t want to spoil the ending, but I will say if there is one episode you watch from this list, even though this is not my number one pick, let it be this one.Â
1. “Fort Night” (Season 4 Episode 2)Â
Out of every Halloween episode, this one takes the cake. The episode revolves around the kids and their friends being trapped inside their cardboard box fort while trying to hide from their spooky classmate Millie. Back in the restaurant, Bob, Linda, Teddy, and Mort work on the kids’ Halloween costumes only for them to never come home from school. I absolutely love how both episode plots are connected; it makes the episode feel so much more fluid and cohesive. With the kids being stuck inside the fort and tormented by their classmate, viewers also start to feel claustrophobic. There are lots of funny lines and striking ploys throughout the episode that really keep you engaged and watching.