Chase Tribble is a fourth-year international relations student at UWindsor. He has an interest in student politics. He is also part of our Her Campus team!
Did you choose your program because it suited you or because you saw a career in it?
The program suited me. I actually took a first year international relations course with my now favorite prof and I fell in love. I have always been a huge history buff and international relations lays heavily on history so it just worked.
What has been your favourite experience at UWindsor?
My favorite experience at the University of Windsor was working with the UWSA this past year. I enjoyed the great discussions and just being around students that wanted genuine change for the better in the University of Windsor.
Why should students care about student politics?
Students should care because these are the people that are representing you. If you are not happy with an aspect of the university life you should urge your representative to bring it up so that the student government can advocate for it. At the end of the day, all the people that are on the student alliance want the best for all students because they themselves are students.
How can one individual affect politics?
Voting is the simplest way of doing this; every vote matters and I cannot stress this enough. With a vote you let your voice be heard as to who you want to represent your interests. You can attend lobby events with others to show government that you want change.
What is one thing you hope to achieve before graduating university?
I hope to become a president of the University of Windsor Student Alliance (UWSA). This position will allow me to lead the students to a better University of Windsor experience. My goal is to make everyone feel the same pride and spirit that I have for being a Lancer.