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Life > Experiences

To the Members of UWindsor’s Her Campus…

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

And so, the time has come at last. After writing so many articles about anime, personal experiences, religion, and life, it is with a heavy heart that I write my final article for the University of Windsor chapter of Her Campus. Fair warning: this might get a little emotional. 

My experience in Her Campus has been nothing short of amazing. I came across Her Campus three years ago, due to an email from the English department. I was curious about it, as an aspiring writer, but I wasn’t sure if it was for me. I loved to write stories and fiction, and this wasn’t a magazine for literature and poetry! Before I finalized any decisions, I talked to my parents and asked their opinion. My mom and dad simply said, “Go for it!” They told me I had nothing to lose and a lot to gain, especially in an organization like this. They both pushed me to gain more experience in writing, even if it wasn’t novel writing or poetry.

I figured they were right. So, I applied as a writer. And what do you know? I was accepted with open arms! 

The more articles I wrote for Her Campus, the more I enjoyed it. I loved writing every single one of my articles, even the ones that I thought were kind of dumb. It felt so refreshing to share pieces of myself with the community, whether that piece was my religious side, my entertainment side, or my nerdy side. 

After completing my first year as a writer, our beloved Co-CC’s reached out to me over the summer and offered me the position of writing director. I was stunned. I mean, come on, I wasn’t that good… was I? 

“So do you want the position?”

“Um, YES!”

Of course!

And so, for the next couple years, I held the position of writing director. As hard as it could be at times, I loved doing it. I got to know all my awesome writers as their director and during that time, I continued to write and schedule.

Fast forward to today.

Undergrad has been difficult, exhausting, and there were many times when I just wanted to drop everything and give up. But Her Campus truly kept me going, kept me motivated. And I can honestly say, in my last moments as the writing director, I know I can leave my position to another without worry – it’ll be in good and reliable hands.

To each and every member of UWindsor’s Her Campus, to those who have already left us, who will be graduating, and who will remain for next year, thank you for keeping me on my toes. Thank you for challenging me and my writing abilities. Thank you for welcoming me with your overwhelming kindness. Thank you for all of your fun conversations that you were sweet enough to include me in. Thank you, writers, for your outstanding articles and for putting up with my neurotic reminders every week. Thank you, editors, for editing our articles so thoroughly and with so much care. Thank you, social media members, for advertising us and keeping our wonderful organization relevant to the community. 

Thank you, everyone, for being my friend. 

I really hope I’ve left my mark.

With that, I take my leave.

I love you, Her Campus.

Nawal Jasey is the Writing Director at the Her Campus UWindsor Chapter. She is responsible for scheduling writers for article postings as well as writing articles herself. Prior to this, she was part of the writing team as a simple writer. Her content normally depicts entertainment, life experiences, and personal cultural and/or religious topics. Nawal attends the University of Windsor as a senior undergraduate under the English program, where she mainly studies different branches of English literature including Victorian, Renaissance, Restoration, and more. Furthermore, she studies creative writing to pursue her dream of becoming an author. She attends several reading events hosted by different authors to help inspire her creative writing. She has independently published a fiction fantasy novel and continues to write more stories for the future. In her free time, Nawal loves to read and write fiction and epic fantasy novels. She would rather shop for books than for clothes any day. She is an anime and manga lover and considers herself a massive and proud nerd. She enjoys baking and playing the piano (not at all professionally) while cuddling her adorable kitty named Sabo.