Money. Money. Money. A lot of people hear this word and the first thing they feel is fear. Should I be talking about this? Am I allowed to talk about this? Will people be uncomfortable? Am I going to be uncomfortable as the conversation goes on?
These questions clutter people’s minds, and the conversation eventually turns away from that topic. This is something I can never understand. Money is an invaluable part of our lives, and yet we are unable to understand it because we can’t talk about it. The only times I’ve seen people have genuine conversations about money is when it is in a public sphere (such as the country’s economic welfare) or if it has to do with banking or investing. There are many reasons why people think discussions about money are inappropriate. It could be because…
–  Some might have more money than others and don’t want to sound cocky about it
– Â Some might think it is more dispensable than others do and may sound pretentious about it
– Â Some may be worried that they have been using it wrong and are worried that they have fallen behind
– Â Some may be worried that they will be judged for what they are using their money for and could result in disapproval from others (eg. spending money on frivolous items rather than saving)
–  Etc…
Unfortunately, the manner in which a person uses their money should not be critiqued as it is the product of their own work. But this idea of judgement is a large part of why people tend to shut down about their spending expenses or how much they are making. But that tends to fuel up for future problems.Â
As of right now, there is a large possibility that Canada may enter a recession. This means that there will be a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced. To make up for the loss in cost, prices have increased in all areas (from retail to food).
Because of this sudden increase, people are not as accustomed to how to deal with these new financial situations. They may not be sure on how to change their budget to better fit their life or whether to put in a lot more money into savings for their future. And yet, people do not want to talk about how they prepare for the upcoming crisis.Â
It’s a little discomforting to know that if I want to talk about money, I need to talk to an adult or a bank teller. It’s an even larger dilemma because I can’t speak to my friends who are in the same boat as me, or family members without knowing that they would prefer to change the conversation. I want to be able to have a give- and- take conversation, where I can help people and they can help me. Because of this, I have already established manners in which I can approach the conversation with people and then softly back out if they are uncomfortable. Below are some ideas and I highly recommend that you look into them or try them out.Â
- Ask people if they are comfortable with this topic.
- Do not just launch into it or drop it slowly into the conversation. It can be very awkward if it turns out negatively. Ask them their comfort level to gauge their overall engagement.Â
- Talk about money generally before getting specific.
- Talk about money in the political sphere or the country’s overall debt. These larger topics can help you see how the person you are interested in talking to see this topic and their thoughts in relation to the world with money.Â
- Do not give exact numbers.
- When you are able to enter this conversation, make sure you steer away from saying the exact number you have earned or own. By giving a specific number, you can put the other person in an uncomfortable position if they are not in the same boat as you.
- Ask for advice.
- When I want to enter a money conversation, I always ask for advice on how I can save up or spend wisely. This usually prompts the other person to offer advice on how they save or what they would recommend doing to fix their financials.Â
- Be kind.
- You’d be surprised to hear if someone is doing better financially or worse than you, and your demeanor should not reflect that. If they are able to be honest with you, try not to show too much shock or pity. Continue the conversation with the acknowledgement that they may or may not be able to do the same things you can do when it comes to a financial sense.Â
Money can lead to disagreeable conversations, and people would always prefer to avoid a fight than stick their feet in one. Yet, I hope that someday money conversations can be a comfortable topic for everyone so that people can see how they can change their financial ventures and their future for the better.
Money. Money. MONEY. You love to have it but hate to talk about it. Let’s fix that!