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5 Fun Facts About The Month of February

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWM chapter.

As everyone knows, the month of February is about romantic dinners, boxes of chocolate, life-size stuffed animals and roses. Valentines day basically dictates all event occurring in the 28 day month. I bet you didn’t know the following 5 facts about the month of love.

1. Shortest month of the year

February is 28 days strong which makes it the shortest month of the year! 

2. “Purification”

Named after the Latin word, Februum which translates into “Purification”

3. The last month added to the Roman calender

February was the last month added to the calender (technically January was added at the same time) because Romans considered winter as an “monthless” period of time. I like the way the Romans think.

4. No Full Moon

February is the only month of the year that can pass without a full moon. This doesn’t happen often but February will go without a full moon in 2018!

5. Month Twins

February, March and November are month twins! The three months always start on the same day as the week, unless February has an Leap Year. During Leap Years, February has a month twin of August.

Tori is a senior at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee where she is majoring in Marketing and Supply Chain Management with an minor in International Business. In her free time, Tori loves searching for the cheapest way to travel the world, drinking obscene amounts of coffee and read up on all the new fashion trends. Not to mention her love for Pinterest and attempting new DIY projects. Do you need travel inspo? Or maybe restaurant recommendations? Follow her on Instagram, @tori.sweeney !