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10 Guys You Might Date in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

1. The Selfie King

This is the high-maintenance guy who hides himself behind a bunch of likes and followers. He’s probably more interested in his Twitter feed or figuring out which filter looks best with his current outfit than he is with you!


2. The Ladies Man

Typical. We all know this guy. He usally has gorgeous hair with a smooth talk. But beware—if Romeo seems like he’s too good to be true, chances are he probably is. This guy has been around the block and back. All the ladies want him, and all the ladies have probably had him! 


3. The Super Senior
This guy seemed perfect at first (*cough* freshman year *cough*). He was sweet, funny and mature, but then your junior year rolls around and you wonder, “Why is this kid still a senior???!” AND he’s still hanging out with freshmen? That’s not cute. 
4. The Celebrity
No pictures please! Whether he’s a DJ, promoter, or “the big man on campus,” everyone knows your honey. It may seem exciting at first, but be prepared for everyone to be in your business whether you like it or not!


5. Mr. Wife & Kids
Two dates later and he’s already planning your future kids’ names! Nothing scares a girl more than a guy who’s even more needy than she is. 

6. The Jock

Going to his games and cheering on your boo might seem like fun, but the stands are probably the only place you’ll be. Athletes are always super busy; sometimes too busy to date. Unless, of course, it’s off season.


7. The Party Animal

This guy is the life of the party, always! Somehow, there’s always an event he’s down to celebrate, whether it’s Cinco de Mayo or the 1st (or 2nd, or 3rd) day of summer. Mornings (or probably in his case, afternoons) might be left up to your girlfriends, since he is probably in his bed recovering. 


8. The Frat Guy

One good thing about dating a Greek is that you’ll always have a ton of fun events to go to. But also, understand that the tight circle he’s known for being in calls for long meetings and a lot of fun with his fraternity brothers (and not you).

9. The Politician
He’s in all of the student organizations and never misses a debate on campus. But are you really ready to be Ms. Jackie O on campus?


10. The Bad Boy

Uh-oh. Most of us have gone through our “bad boy” stage in high school, but even in college some “bad boys” seem to weed right onto campus. They don’t usually last in college; they either grow up or get out. But somehow they seem to be the boys we love the most. 


Her Campus at Valdosta State.