Ladies love chocolate! Okay… well not all of us, but for the majority of us, we love the smell of it, the taste of it, the rich creaminess of it melting in our mouths! Here are 4 things that you never knew about our sweet cocoa addiction! Let’s talk about chocolate!
1. White chocolate is NOT chocolate!
That’s right people, it’s not chocolate! Since white chocolate has no trace of cocoa solids or chocolate liquor, it isn’t chocolate. It is made of Cocoa butter, sugar and milk solids. The only thing white chocolate has in common with chocolate is the caffee and the theobromine! Go figure!
2. Just the smell of chocolate can relax you!
The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, thus causing you to have more of a relaxed sensation! That is why chocolate is a go-to for when times get hard and stressful!
3. Chocolate is good for your skin!
Okay, not all chocolate, but dark chocolate is! It contains flavonoids that help to protect skin from the sun’s harmful rays! So grab some dark chocolate and have some fun in the sun! It’s still not a bad idea to pack your sunscreen just in case!
4. Chocolate may help to prevent Cancer
Cocoa contains pentameric procyanidin, which helps to prevent cancer’s ability to spread! Researchers from the Lombardi Comprehensice Cancer Center (LCCC) at Georgetown University treated some cancer cells with pentameric procyanidin in 2005. The protein that the cancer needed to spread were suppressed and the cells stopped dividing!
Now go nibble on some sweet chocolate!