Having siblings is a challenge itself, but there is something unique about having an older sibling that no other experience in life can amount to. Of course, if you are the older sibling then you have experiences of your own, but coming from the mind of “the younger one,” here are a list of some instances where the little sibling reversed roles with the big sister or brother. Chances are you have (at some point or another):
1. Answered a basic question
Even if the age difference isn’t all that significant, it is almost sure to happen! The one who is supposed to be a year, two years, or three years+ your senior ask you to help them remember something that they learned in the past, but can’t quite recall.
“Dude…what’s the square root of 69?”
2. Had to reel them back in
Childish, much? Everybody has their “moments” and the older sib is no exception. Whether it’s a prank or an inappropriate joke, something crazy is bound to come out of their mouth at one point or another and it’s up to you to stop them before they enjoy it too much and end up embarrassing someone.
3. Embarrassed you
It must be payback for all the times that you have let some sensitive information slip in front of their friends. You didn’t think telling your big sister’s clique about her tendency to clog up the toilet was going to come back and bite you? Think again!
4. Taught them something new
Finally, there is something that your older sis or bro can’t do that you can! It’s a glorious moment that can actually become quite annoying. You may be keeping them up to date with the latest lingo or just helping them brush up on the newest dance; either way, they are bound to get it wrong before they get it right
5. Come to the rescue
Whether that means being the Designated Driver or loaning them a little cash, there comes a point in time where you are going to be able to swoop in and save the day! Try not to rub it in their face too much because eventually, you’ll need them again too. It is a never ending cycle with siblings, after all.
6. Gotten to defend them
Chances are, growing up with you as their younger sibling wasn’t all peaches and cream. There were probably occasions where somebody overstepped their bounds and called you annoying or something and big sis or bro had to put them in their place. Now it’s your turn; if it hasn’t happened yet, there’s no doubt it will. If you’re lucky it will be somebody that you already don’t like—all you need is one reason to…politely correct them.
7. Served as the advisor
Isn’t it so cute when someone who has bossed you around your entire life comes to you all vulnerable and in need? Obviously not because they’re in a predicament, but because they honestly value your opinion and need you at that very moment? Whether it be you playing fashion police or there’s a true problem that needs solving, once you put your therapist hat on, you’re able to work wonders.
Sometimes, we take advantage of small things in life like having a sister or brother to run to for all of the above, plus some. One thing is for certain—if anything–they can keep us on our toes and entertained and we can definitely do the same for them! No matter the age, you will be valued for the very things that seem to be the cause of 60% of your sibling-induced eye rolls.Â