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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

This is a quick and simple homemade recipe for making cake pops. For this version of making the cake pops, you’ll need a mixing bowl and a baking pan to bake the cake in. You can grab white lollipop sticks from any store too!



Cake mix and frosting of your choice!

Step 1: After baking the cake, use your hands to crumble the cake into small grainy pieces, then mold and roll them into a ball.

Step 2: Place the cake balls in the fridge and let them chill until they hold a firm hold.

Step 3: Melt your icing, and let it stand until it is firm.

Step 4: Using the stick from the cake pop, dip it into the icing. Place your cake pops in an upright position to dry without touching anything else.


When until the time comes to dip your cake pops in the icing. If they’re still warm the icing will not stay and the icing will probably crack. Make your cake pops more unique with sprinkles, different icings, or nuts!

Get creative and enjoy! HCXO!

Her Campus at Valdosta State.