I don’t know about anyone else, but I can honestly say Drake is in my list of favorite artist. From turning up and in my room, to vibing out on long car rides home, it seems like Drake never fails at making a song that fits every mood. Aside from the good beats, and the catchy verses, Drake’s music always seems to grab the attention of his listeners with his relatable lyrics and real life references. It’s undeniable that you could go on and on trying to find captions from Drake’s songs that you relate to because about 100% of what he says is so real. These bits from some of his songs are the lyrics that I think Drake really knew what he was talking about when he said it.
Don’t you hate when people’s actions don’t match up with what they’re saying? Well, Drake definitely does, and he expresses it in his single Club Paradise. People love to say things that don’t line up with their actions (especially in relationships), so with that said, I’m sure more than 99.9999999% of us can relate to this quote.
“When all is said and done, more is always said than done.” – Drake, Club Paradise
Okay, so yes we know that Drake loves to turn up, and we can’t deny that we like to turn up to some of his songs with him. But one thing we also know is that Drake is very emotional, and loves to use his music as an outlet to express all his hurts and heartbreaks. First relationships? We’ve all had them, and what made them our first was that they had to eventually end. I guess Drake could agree that his first love was great, but it was also the hardest to get over.
“I know they say the first love is the sweetest, but that first cut is the deepest.” – Drake, Karaoke
When it all comes down to it, you’re supposed to follow your heart right? Or are we supposed to listen to our mind over our heart? Confusing right? Well, Drake’s got it figured out. He says to follow your heart because sometimes your mind will have you more confused than ever. Don’t doubt what you feel – what you feel is probably the most real (BARS).
“All so convinced that you’re following your heart when your mind don’t control what it does sometimes.” – Drake, Take Care
Everybody is probably familiar with that saying “YOLO”, an acronym for You Only Live Once (which is a phrase that Drake also got trending). Well this quote from Drake’s verse on “Un-Thinkable”, basically explains the whole idea behind that. One thing I love about this quote is how he used taking a picture as a metaphor to help him explain that you may like what you see if you take a chance on life, and just see what happens. Good job Drizzy!
“You know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it’d be nice if you just take it” – Drake, Un-Thinkable
From being a cast member on Degrassi, to releasing his first mixtape in 2006, and now being an artist with 10+ songs on Billboard’s Hot 100, we have literally watched this man grow into the talented rapper he is today. As Drake continues to give us more music over the next few years, let’s see how many more relatable lyrics, trendy phrases, and poppin’ Instagram captions he’s going to give us. We love you Drizzy!