End of the Semester Survival Guide
As the fall semester ends, our patience grows thinner by the day. We dread our upcoming finals and end of the semester papers and projects. We yearn for the well-awaited and well-deserved Christmas break. These last couple of weeks will seem like an eternity!
Though Fall semester is almost over, it is still in full affect. Do not let the suspense cause your work ethic to diminish. These two weeks are the most crucial and only the strong will survive!
Here are a couple of tips to ensure a happy ending to your Fall semester!
Use these last couple of weeks to improve your grades. Take advantage of any and all of the extra credit assignments your professor offers. No matter what your grade is in the course, extra credit is always a plus. It shows the teacher that you do care to improve and adds a couple of last minute points to your final grade.
Be sure to study and review old material. Even though you aced your first exam in August, you still need to go through old notes to refresh your memory for your upcoming final. Most teachers have a cumulative final, which means everything they have ever taught you will be a potential test question!
Make a visit to your professor’s office. To ensure there will be no surprises when grades are posted, make an effort to go see your teacher face to face and discuss your grade, or at least give them a chance to match a face with a name.
Don’t give up, it’s almost over! Give the end of the semester your all; it will be all over soon. You have to finish even harder than you started. Also, remember to relax; don’t stress out! Give it your all and your hard work will reflect in your grades.