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Talking vs Dating; Title vs No Title

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

What is the definition of “talking”? What does it mean to date someone? Traditionally, dating someone meant that you were getting to know someone on a level more than just being friends. What is exactly is the next step after that? A relationship? A step to friends with benefits? All of these questions surround the current dating game, especially among young adults.

Many people have their opinions as far as the opposite sex and pursuing. Social media has also made a huge impact on how dating and relationships go as far as now. Is “sliding into a woman’s DM” the primary way to get her attention? Is telling your friend to talk to his friend for you the way to get a man’s attention? In my opinion, the old fashioned ways are the best. 


The new ways that have been developed to start relationships are not the best tactics to make them successful. Talking is an extremely vague word pertaining to getting to know someone. After all, the term dating was the word used for the act of taking interest in someone. Are these terms the cause of relationship problems? Does that cause confusion on both ends?

In a relationship, or even when it comes to casual dating, it’s important to be extremely direct in what your intentions are with that individual and exactly what you’re looking for out of the situation. Whether it’s a friend, boyfriend or even a go-to sexual partner, it’s very crucial to make it clear on what you want. “We are talking” should not be the phrase used to describe your situation. A better way to go about describing your relations is, “I’m getting to know someone.”


Then there goes the issues of titles. “Am I his girlfriend?” “Should I wife her?” These phrases are commonly used by males and females pertaining to relationships. It’s a constant battle of whether or not titles actually mean something.

Being a woman myself, I feel as if titles are very important. Titles set boundaries within relationships. If a relationship doesn’t have boundaries on both ends, how will it be successful? A man or woman cannot demand loyalty from their significant other without seriously making that step to commit to them on a serious level, thus making them their official girlfriend/boyfriend.

Titles and official markings on a relationship are often depicted as a “relationship ruiner” which is definitely not the case. It is more detrimental for a relationship to not be structured and clear on what can/cannot be done out of respect for his or her significant other. Overall, relationships can be extremely complex but if they are went about the right way and approached the right way, they can be healthy and successful.  

Her Campus at Valdosta State.