It seems so many guys these days expect women to chase them. Isn’t the man supposed to chase the woman that he’s interested in or trying to pursue? Women are the prize, correct? Yeah, I get it; no one is supposed to chase anyone. But why do certain men these days not want to put in the work, meaning they do not want to ask for a date or send the first text. In fact, some men these days enjoy it when the woman does these things. So, the questions that some women ask themselves cause frustration because they do not understand why some men feel like they should be chased, especially when he the ones who initially showed interest in the woman. For some reason, the man tries to reverse the roles and make the women feel she should chase him. When a woman understands why some men want to be chased, she will then realize she should not be frustrated by these qualities in some men. Further, she should not let these men get the best of her because she most likely dodged a bullet. You will see what I mean when as you read why some men feel like they should be chased by women.
1. He is insecure.
When a man is insecure, he needs a woman to make him feel secure in his role in her life by the effort she shows. The man expects the woman to be the one breaking her back to make him feel desired by her. Ladies, these are the type of men you should stay away from because that sort of relationship only leads down a toxic road at the end of the day, even when the man claims he is not the toxic one. Note, women must understand that men have feelings just as we do, sometimes even more than some women. I am not saying it is bad for a man to have feelings, but it is unhealthy when a man has issues of insecurity, just the same as a woman who has insecurities. Dealing with someone with insecurities is unhealthy no matter what gender they are! But this is just one reason why a man may expect a woman to chase him.
2. He is lazy.
We all know this about men, hell, people in general. If someone really wants something, they will make an effort to get it. If a man puts no effort in pursuit of a woman he claims he is interested in, he is not interested in that woman. When a man is not genuinely interested in that woman, he expects her to chase him because she is not what he really wants and he likes the fact that he has this woman chasing him, feeding his tender little ego. When a man does not put effort into the woman, it might be because he sees no value in putting in the work. If that is the case, it’s best for the woman to not even entertain that man because he sees no place in his life for her and does not value her. There are men out there that will see value in you, so it’s not your loss; he did you a favor by showing you he is not interested.
3. He chases certain qualities in a woman.
I am pretty sure that many women have become familiar with this type of guy at least once in their lifetime. As one example, some men are only interested in sexual relations. He does chase the woman but makes it known that he is only chasing sex. For instance, he invites the woman over at certain times of the day. He might hit her up late hours, only interested in her at night. Nighttime may be most convenient for him, or he only has time for her at night because that is his free time to try to get sex. This example does not mean sex is the only type of specific quality some men look for. Some men are only looking for money or a place to stay. There are many possibilities; it just depends on what qualities make that man willing to chase a woman. Ultimately, this leads the woman to chase the full character of the man because he is only chasing certain qualities in her.
4. The man thinks he is the prize.
Men who think they are a prize may get this feeling because a woman came off as desperate. This showed the guy that he does not have to work to get her because she is already falling at his feet. There are many other reasons why a man may feel like he is the prize so it can be hard to narrow down why he comes off this way. Women should always value themselves because of men like this. Women should know they are the prize and not let certain men make them feel otherwise. It is so important for a woman to recognize that it is her reasonability to know her worth. When a woman knows her value, she knows she does not have to chase a man and it is more likely that man will pursue her.
5. He is no longer interested but terrible communication skills.
Yeah, he chased you at first and even seemed interested, but maybe after getting to know you he decided that he is not interested anymore. Some men lack communication skills and will not let the woman know that he is no longer interested. He may not tell her because maybe he is scared that he will hurt her feelings, or he thinks she will get the picture eventually, or maybe he just does not flat-out care about telling her that he is no longer interested. Regardless of the reason, this man has bad communication skills ladies. A man with bad communication skills shows he is not even ready for any type of relationship with a woman. Yes, poor communication skills go both ways for men and women but we are talking about men at the moment.
Fellas, a disclaimer: Not every man is like this, but there are some men out there that expect women to pursue them, even after they showed interest first. Just because you are a man and think you are not like that does not mean the next guy isn’t. As for ladies, be thankful that those type of men showed you who they really are before the relationship got too far along. Now that you saw what type of man you were dealing with; you will be able to make room for the right man who truly deserves you. The man that truly deserves you will not make you feel like you are the one chasing him or putting in all the work.
Never chase a man. A gentleman will do everything in his power to do the chasing and courting after the woman of his dreams. -Sophie Lianne