Hello, beautiful humans of the world!
As of March first, it is officially Women’s history month! All month long we are here to celebrate the wonderful achievements that women have done throughout history. Women’s rights are human rights and I’m here to tell you why. On July 14, 1848, a group of four women started the movement for women. Women have fought for the rights to have equal rights as men. It was so hard for women to push through the barriers and achieve what they achieved. Here are three women that made history and that have paved the way for women to be great.
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were both abolitionist and women suffrage leaders. Because of these two wonderful women, women got the right to vote. Other wonderful joined in and helped protest and get the word out there.
Frances Elizabeth Caroline Willard
In 1879 Frances Elizabeth Caroline Willard who was suffrage became the national president of the Women’s Christian temperance union or the WCTU for short. She stayed in that position until her death. The union strived for women to “Do Everything” which was also their slogan. She and the WCTU made a great contribution to helping women.
There are so many beautiful and wonderful women that helped as well. I thank every single last one. thank you for giving future generations the chance to be great and strive for our dreams without any troubles. Now we really can do everything!
Don’t forget you are great, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to!