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10 Signs You Have RBF (Resting Bitch Face)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.
When you hear the term RBF or “resting bitch face,” I’m sure you immediately think of that one girl (or guy- more rare, but definitely possible) who walks past you on your way to Sociology every day who always looks mad. However, people with RBF are often not angry and are puzzled as to why people always think they are. So if you think you might have RBF, here are some commons signs that you, in fact, have it. And if you don’t RBF, here’s a little bit of insight on the struggles that people with RBF face daily; be mindful of their condition. 
1. People often come up to you asking, “Are you okay? You look pissed.”
2. You have very prominent (some might say fierce) eyebrows.
3. People move out of the way when you’re walking down the sidewalk.
4. When you meet someone new in a social setting the first couple of words you exchange are usually:Newcomer: “You don’t look like you’re having a good time”
You: “No, that’s just my face.”
5. People thought you hated them before they got to know you.
6. People are surprised by what your face looks like when you actually smile.
7. Only you understand that the look in your eyes is determination to get where you’re going (see also: walking with a purpose), not bitchiness or anger.
8. You have virtually no control over the raising or furrowing of your eyebrows.
9. When you’re actually mad, it’s a scary experience for everyone involved.
10. If your facial expressions at all resemble Scarlett O’Hara, Charlize Theron, or Victoria Beckham.
Stacey Oswald, originally from South Florida, came to Vanderbilt as a member of the class of 2015 and got involved with HerCampus her freshman year. She became assistant editor that year and is now the Campus Correspondent for Vanderbilt HC as a sophomore. Stacey is currently a columnist for Ask Miss A- Nashville and the life section of The Hustler. She's also very involved in her sorority, Kappa Delta, as well as Invisible Children. Outside of school and her extracurriculars, Stacey finds happiness in many sources, the most crucial being exercise and the sun. She loves to attend exercise classes and is an avid runner; she recently completed the Country Music Half Marathon. She also loves Vitamin D, especially when on the beach- though of course, she only soaks up the sun after applying SPF. A few of the things Stacey couldn't live without? Good food (especially from Sweet Cece's, Bricktops, and Samurai Sushi), great books (The Hypnotist's Love Story is a recent favorite), her family back in Florida, her wonderful boyfriend, and all of the great friends she's made at Vanderbilt.