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The 5 Stages of Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.
1. Anger
You have SO much work. How could your professors do this to you? Are they conspiring against you? This is homecoming week you monsters!

But just. don’t. panic.

2. Sleepiness
You’ve been studying for hours already and it’s past your bedtime—even your going out bedtime. It has literally never been this hard to keep your eyes open.
3. Productiveness
But somehow you stay up all night…
Maybe it was the caffeine.
4. Surrender
Eventually you just can’t take it anymore! You’ll never be able to learn all this, there isn’t enough time in the world!
Might as well just quit school right now.
5. Accomplishment
Yet, somehow all the information managed to sink into your brain and you look at the test like “wow, this isn’t too bad.”
When you get your grade back it’s good!
And now you get to go out with your friends and celebrate!