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Fashions by Juicy!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

Ladies, if you’re looking for the latest fashions in summer and fall wear, Juicy Couture is where you need to be. Conviently located in Greens Hills Mall, Juicy Couture supplies everything you need for a perfect outfit. We have designer jewelry, hand bags and wallets, a ton of accessories, sunglasses, one of the top 10 fragrances in the country, AND THE BEST customer service you can ask for. Why do I know so much about Juicy Couture? Because I am a sales associate for Juicy! What does that mean for you ladies? It means that all you have to do is contact me whenever you want to know which of our newest items have arrived, what sales the store is currently offering, and when I have availability for a personal fitting session! I will be more than happy to make an appointment for you and pull items you like off of the floor and into a fitting room! Below you will find some of our newest items, as well as a few of the sales currently being offered in the store… One more thing- as college students, you will always get 15% off of your purchase with student I.D.!!! So don’t miss an opportunity to come into Juicy Couture, ladies. I hope I will see you soon!

My e-mail: Jaziree.l.smith@vanderbilt.edu

Stacey Oswald, originally from South Florida, came to Vanderbilt as a member of the class of 2015 and got involved with HerCampus her freshman year. She became assistant editor that year and is now the Campus Correspondent for Vanderbilt HC as a sophomore. Stacey is currently a columnist for Ask Miss A- Nashville and the life section of The Hustler. She's also very involved in her sorority, Kappa Delta, as well as Invisible Children. Outside of school and her extracurriculars, Stacey finds happiness in many sources, the most crucial being exercise and the sun. She loves to attend exercise classes and is an avid runner; she recently completed the Country Music Half Marathon. She also loves Vitamin D, especially when on the beach- though of course, she only soaks up the sun after applying SPF. A few of the things Stacey couldn't live without? Good food (especially from Sweet Cece's, Bricktops, and Samurai Sushi), great books (The Hypnotist's Love Story is a recent favorite), her family back in Florida, her wonderful boyfriend, and all of the great friends she's made at Vanderbilt.