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Hanging in During Finals- 4 Tips to Stay Sane

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Vanderbilt chapter.

As soon as Thanksgiving break ended, many of us at Vanderbilt entered into the last phase of the semester: finals season. (As a student, you can tell the level of stress by the amount of people in each library on campus!) 

While even the word “finals,” feels nerve-wracking, I thought about four ways students can stay sane during this busy period. 

  1. Plan out your day through a calendar 

I’ve been adding all of my commitments to Google Calendar, so I have scheduled time for breakfast with friends, office hours, studying in the library, going to clubs, and zoom calls for initiatives in which I am involved.

  1. Exercise the stress off!

During my first semester of college, I brought my Calculus textbook so I could read on the treadmill. (Not kidding.) Exercise has been shown to reduce stress levels, and it can often put us in a different state of mind. 

  1. Study with friends.

I *highly* recommend setting up study groups as well as study sessions for finals throughout the week. I’ve found it useful to sit with friends in the library because we hold each other accountable. 

  1. Think about break! 

After finals finish, the semester is officially over! Reach out to old friends from home, think about the home-cooked meals you’ll be able to have in just a few days, and remember that these are the last moments of the semester. You did it!

Ilana Drake

Vanderbilt '25

Ilana Drake is a sophomore at Vanderbilt, and she is a student activist and writer. During high school, Ilana was one of 25 students on the New York City Department of Education's Chancellor's Student Advisory Council. Ilana's words have been published in Ms. Magazine, PBS NewsHour, The Tennessean, and other outlets. She has been a mentee and leader in Girls Write Now, a writing and mentoring organization for young women, for the past five years. Ilana is also an advocate for inclusion, and she is involved with Special Olympics at the State and national levels. Additionally, she has engaged in work with the United Nations around social justice issues. She is grateful to be back at Her Campus after serving as a Her Future Ambassador during her senior year of high school!