When choosing a school, a college visit can greatly affect your decision. It is important to get a feel for the school and learn more about what makes it special. At Vanderbilt, ‘Dore for a Day goes one step further, allowing prospective students to shadow a current student for the day. This year, the program is only getting better with the help of new Training Co Chair, Katherine Sentell.
How did you first get involved with Dore for a Day?
I joined Dore for a Day last year and it quickly became one of my favorite activities at Vanderbilt! I love being able to share why I love Vanderbilt with so many prospective students. I was a host all of last year, and became a member of the executive board this year.
What is your favorite part of the program?
This year I ran into one of the prospective students I hosted last year on campus. It was exciting to see him and to know that talking with me helped him decide to come to Vanderbilt! We hear stories like that all the time, and I love knowing how much of an impact Dore for a Day can have on the prospective students.
What does being a Training Co Chair entail?
As a Training Co Chair I help organize and run the Dore for a Day training at the beginning of the school year. This is the time where we bring new and returning hosts together to explain how the program works and what we expect from them as a host. During the year, the rest of the executive board and I match the prospective students that sign up for Dore for a Day with a host each week and make sure the program runs smoothly.
What are some new changes to the program?
We’ve implemented a cohort system in the program this year, which means that each executive board member is paired with a group of hosts who they will meet with as a group throughout each semester. This is a way for the hosts to get to know each other and the exec board members better. Cohorts are a great way to build more community within Dore for a Day and are also a great way for veteran hosts and exec board members to share advice and stories with newer hosts.
What are you especially excited for this year?
I’m excited for the first week of students to start coming! Dore for a Day officially starts on Monday September 16th, and I can’t wait to start seeing prospective students on campus.