We all leave home for college in hopes of a fresh start, new friends and a whole new venture in life, but what we don’t account for are the daily adult responsibilities like…..
1.    Doing laundry.
Man oh man, how I miss my mother sorting my clothes and throwing them in the wash every two weeks. I also miss her folding my clothes so that when I come home I have my favorite outfit just laying there, ready to wear the next day. Â
2.    Setting an Alarm.
Waking myself up on time was never an easy feat back in the day, and I use to hate when my mom would abruptly prance into my room at 5 a.m. and tap me on the shoulders for school. Now that my human alarm clock isn’t close by, I have to set my own real alarm, and ensure I make it to every obligation on time.
3.    Cooking.
Okay, okay, the word cooking wasn’t a part of my vocabulary my freshman year of college because I didn’t cook. I just reheated overly processed food, but now I make healthy fresh meals since I don’t have a meal plan anymore.
4.    Paying Bills.
I’m now responsible for paying my own phone bill, dental bill, electric and water bills on time. Of course there are times when I miss taking showers that last longer than 10 minute or using electricity more freely, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do in order to cut costs and pay bills on time.
5.    Scheduling Appointments.
I’ve begun to take care of myself like a real adult, and I no longer ignore my coughing or sneezing. I no longer feel the need to call my mom for input on what’s happening to my body when I’ve come down with a case of the flu. Instead in an adult like manner, I take medicine and hope for the best. I also no longer have to rely on forged sick notes signed by my friends.
6. Â Â Cleaning.
It’s now my responsibility to vacuum, sweep and disinfect just about everything, just like my mom does back home. I’ve also become quite the expert at how to use a “Swiffer Sweeper Picker Upper.”   Â
7.    Picking Appropriate Clothing.
As a soon to be business women in corporate America I have mastered the art of choosing the perfect interview attire, and this is a skill that I can continue to use throughout my adult life. Â
8. Â Â Â Time Management Skills. Â
I now have to take the initiative to get things done and in timely manner. After I come home from my long day of classes, I head straight to my kitchen counter or any remotely clean surface and get to work.
9.    Setting a Curfew.
Call me a grandma, a party pooper or whatever you want, but at least I know when it’s time for me to go home and have a good night’s rest.
10. Creating To-Do List.
I use to dread the various long To-Do Lists my parents wrote for me. Now, I find myself writing my own lists and leaving them everywhere (this is especially useful for my busy bee’s out there). Â