Drew Brunson
Age: 18
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Fredericksburg
Major: Music Performance
Relationship Status: Passionate bromance?
How are you involved at VCU or in the community?
I’m mainly involved in things through playing music, whether it is playing with the VCU Symphony, local musical productions, churches or with my folk band, the Dharma Bombs. (Shameless plug: facebook.com/dharmabombs)
Favorite experience at VCU so far:
Probably performing Holst’s The Planets with the VCU Symphony for the winter concert. It’s a really great piece of music and I think that it was the best performance that we’ve had since I started attending VCU.
Favorite spot in Richmond:
The Motorcycle Club
Who would play you in the movie of your life?
My life story would have to be played by a clone of myself with superior acting skills and a more chiseled jawline. I’ll have to wait until somatic-cell nuclear transfer technologies advance.
Current obsession:
Clickhole articles. I wouldn’t get celeb gossip, pseudo-science articles or relationship advice from any other source.
Last song you listened to:
The last piece of music I listened to was the Koussevitsky Concerto, performed by Mark Morton. Last actual song was Only Anarchists are Pretty, by World/Inferno Friendship Society.
Where was your first kiss?
On the sidewalk during a light rain in an April long ago. It was pretty metal.
Any guilty pleasures?
Spending hours listening to Lil B mix tapes. Actually, I’m not even slightly guilty for enjoying that.
Celeb crush:
Michelle Obama
Do you have any hidden talents?
I’m in the process of learning how to play accordion. Be prepared for unsolicited serenades. Tips are welcome.
Ladies’ fashion trend that you just don’t understand:
I’m not too hip to ladies fashion trends. Follow whatever trends you want, it won’t keep me up at night.
Fun fact:
The dot on an “i” is called a tittle.