Greg Goldie
Age: 21
Hometown: Palmyra, Virginia
Major: History with a minor in French
Year: Senior
Relationship Status: Single
What brought you to VCU? One time when I came to visit I just liked the environment and being in the city. I found it exciting. Where I’m from they only have one stop light in the whole county.
What are three things you can’t live without?  I honestly can’t live without green tea, privacy, and family.
What is the first thing you look for in a girl? Body language. You can tell a lot about a girl by how she carries herself.
What are your favorite movies? Â Schindler’s List, InBruges, and Once Upon A Time in AmericaÂ
Who is your favorite musical artist? The Arctic Monkeys
Favorite Color: Yellow. Because I’m the sunshine in every girl’s eyes. (laughs hysterically)
What is one of the most exciting moments of your life? Â I went to New Orleans for ASB (alternative spring break) and had a great experience volunteering in the city park every morning with a good group of people. The culture, music, and atmosphere of New Orleans is amazing, I want to live there someday.Â
If you were to give anyone advice in life, what would it be? Not to see yourself how other people see you. Just see yourself how you see yourself. Because that makes you feel like you should live by other people’s standards. Live how you want to live.