Finals are coming—and fast. It’s about that point in the semester where there are a million things due and then the most important exam, paper or project of the year is around the corner. Finding ways to balance study life in the next couple of days is essential to finishing strong, and I’ve been thinking on it. Here are some tips that I think will help us all make it to the end of this crazy (mostly) online semester… or year.
- Find a Zen Study Space
Finding a space that’s quiet and that you can stay focused in has already been essential for online classes this year, but it is even more so for finals week! I know not everyone has the ideal online learning living situation, but maybe taking the time to arrange some temporary quiet times with the other people you’re living with or finding places for you to do your studying/writing would be a good compromise.
If you already have a space, take some extra time to make it one you are comfortable in, whether it be temperature, décor, music, etc.
- Schedule Out Study Times For Each Class
Come time for finals, I always end up spending a lot of time focused on a more challenging class, and then the other ones sneak up on me. Making a daily schedule for the next two couple of finals would be a good way to block out time to get things done for those specific classes that slip your mind. And, in turn, with adjustments based on the length and time it’s going to take to complete your different assignments, you’ll be sure to hit everything.
- Get a Study Buddy
There is a fine line between a study buddy distracting you and motivating you to get your work done. Try to find the latter! Studying over zoom or safely in-person with someone else who is also grinding out their work is a great way to motivate you to do your stuff. It will work even better if you guys can take breaks (to rest and maybe have a laugh) at the same time, and that’ll help get you guys back to work too.
In the midst of the madness that is finals week, it’s important to try to pace yourself and find the mechanisms that work best for you. And if you ever feel alone, just remember that we are all going through it with you! Good luck!