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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Matt Mitchell

Lancaster, VA


Zodiac Sign: 

Relationship Status: 

What’s your favorite thing about VCU? 
My favorite thing about VCU is probably how different the city environment is from where I grew up in a country town.

Favorite kind of music? 
I love any music that makes me feel good or wakes me up — mostly what’s on the radio as far as rap and country goes.

Celebrity Crush? 
I’m a completely fool for Taylor Swift. She’s gorgeous and can play guitar and sing a million times better than me. Plus, she’s an angel.

How do you tell a girl that you like her? 
All different kinds of ways, it depends. Mostly little hints here and there, but sometimes you’ve just gotta recognize she’s amazing and tell her before someone else does.

What is the first thing you notice about a girl? 
The first thing I notice is her smile, every time. Then her hair and how she carries herself.

What is your “type” of girl? 
My type of girl is someone spontaneous who can keep up with my humor and also make me laugh too. As long as she’s genuine, she sounds like my type.

Describe your idea of a perfect date: 
My perfect date would be anything other than a dinner and a movie. It’s gotta be something spontaneous, like stunt car driving or doing something we’ve never done.

Where do you see yourself after college? 
I see myself working at an advertising agency in the US somewhere. I would love to work for Nike or Anheiser-Busch.

Biggest fear? 
Car accidents and losing a friend or family member.

Favorite sports team? 
I like college football a lot more than the NFL so I’ve gotta say the VT Hokies.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you be? 


Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!
Chelsea is a Her Campus alumnae and the Cofounder and former President and Editor-In-Chief of Virginia Commonwealth University's Her Campus chapter. Chelsea has diverse professional experience thanks to her many internships in college. Her experience includes working in the research department at Viacom's MTV, assisting the CEO of a boutique jewelry brand in NYC, and working at an English tourist magazine in Japan. Beyond her professional life, Chelsea is inspired by fashion, finance, all things Harry Potter, her dream of working for a company she loves, and her travels. Chelsea turns to Sailor Moon episodes and Harry Potter soundtracks when life gets tough. Also a good amount of shopping, traveling, and making memories with loved ones will maintain her status quo.Connect!LinkedIn Instagram: @chelsskubo