Max Landon
Age: 20
Year: Junior
Hometown: Roanoke
Major: Spanish
Relationship Status: Single
How are you involved at VCU or in the community? I go to a few of the School of World Studies events and love socializing with my classmates and professors in and out of class.
Favorite spot in Richmond: Texas Beach
Who would play you in the movie of your life? Errr I have no idea. Someone told me I look kind of like Logan Lerman one time, but I don’t think he could capture my intense demeanor.
What’s your biggest pet peeve? People who walk/drive slowly when I’ve got places to be.
Last song you listened to: Bout It by Partynextdoor
Any guilty pleasures? TOO many haha. I’m lowkey addicted to a lot of those sh*tty supernatural shows on Netflix
Celeb crush: Tie between Angelina Jolie and Tom Daley.
Do you have any hidden talents? I can pop my gum really loud.
Favorite pick-up line: I’m so bad at pick up lines. I pretty much just stare at attractive people intensely until they come up and talk to me or get freaked out and walk away.
Fun fact: I’m obsessed with southern rap. Lots of 3 6 Mafia, Gucci Mane and anything that can make my car vibrate.
3 words to describe you: Outgoing, carefree, atypical.