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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

It’s that time of year again… happy back to campus! The start of the fall semester is always so motivating although it can be overwhelming. It is essential to keep a list of study spaces and academic “focus zones” so you don’t feel suffocated in one place. Here are my top safe places to study, decompress and socialize depending on your mood!

  1. Rooftop at the Pit and the Peel

Just down Main Street is the juice bar and restaurant, the Pit and the Peel. It’s the best place to grab an acai bowl, smoothie or avocado toast and people watch from the sunlit cafe. They offer a rooftop where you can sit on couches and enjoy the sun while doing homework. The noise level is minimal so it is a great place to focus or socialize. 

  1. Harrison Street Cafe

Right on campus, Harrison Street Cafe is a small vegan cafe. They have the best chai tea latte and a warm homemade chocolate chip cookie. Their booths are cozy and the warm lighting is calming to focus on reading, writing or doing group work. You’re always greeted with a friendly smile also!

  1. Libby Hill

Less than a ten minute drive downtown is Libby Hill park that overlooks the city skyline. There are benches, spots to camp out on the grass and trails to take a walk which offer different opportunities to take breaks while doing work. It’s a great place to bring your friends for a picnic and watch the sunset.

  1. Richmond Public Library

Who remembers hanging out at the library as a kid? It used to be one of my go to places to read and do homework growing up and it was always so motivating with colorful walls and a peaceful ambiance. Now as college students our campus library is not so similar to the vibrant carpets and bean bag chairs. Head over to the Richmond Public Library for a change of scenery and to chill some place full of different kinds of people- maybe check out a book while you’re there!

Ariana is a fashion merchandising major and theater minor at Virginia Commonwealth University with interests in costume design and film. She is a member of the editorial team and is enthusiastic about sustainability, fashion, beauty, mental health, and current events. She loves supporting women through HC.