Name: Geoffrey Williamson
Age:Â 22
Major: Biomedical Engineering, First Year Grad Student
Why VCU?
Choosing to attend VCU was a difficult decision. When it came down to it, my options were Chalmers, Georgia Tech, and VCU. They all had unique advantages. Chalmers would have let me live abroad while studying in Sweden and Georgia Tech has incredible renown in the biotech world. However, VCU was located right in my home state, putting me close to family and friends. Having spent the last 4 years of my undergrad in Texas, this was something that I felt I had been missing out on. So after visiting VCU, I realized that not only would I be fairly close to home but that I would be living in truly unique and amazing city while studying under some truly brilliant and dedicated scientists. At that point my decision was made.
What is your favorite thing to do in Richmond?
When I’m not holed up in my apartment studying, my favorite thing to do right now is to just get out, walk around, and explore the city. Being fairly new to Richmond, the only thing I’m familiar with is the engineering buildings and how to get there, which is pretty sad. So I try to get out and see where non-engineering students take their classes or if I’m feeling particularly adventurous, I’ll go hunt down a new place to have lunch. Right now my favorite is Kuba Kuba.
What are three things you love to do?
One thing I’ve recently found that I love to do is cook. Now that I’m living on my own I take a lot of pride and pleasure out making a tasty meal. If you’ve gotta cook anyways, might as well have fun with it. Trying new recipes keeps it exciting and what’s even more interesting is making up your own. I love to read and I’ll usually juggle two books at a time. Right now I’m about halfway done with the 5th book of the Wheel of Time, “The Fires of Heaven,” and I just started Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” And seeing as I read like a snail crawls, two books can keep me entertained for several months. I’m not very good at watching sports but I love playing them. It doesn’t really matter which it is. I played soccer and lacrosse in high school and rugby as an undergrad. There’s an incredible level of comradely that can only be attained when playing on a team and I love that feeling. I’m also just a competitive person and I love winning but then again who doesn’t.
On a scale of Justin Beiber’s stalker stache to Dumbledore’s wizard beard, where would you rank your beard growing skills?
This is a tough question and I’m not sure it’s entirely proper. I’d love to take credit for it, but my beard growing skills aren’t something I can practice or refine. You got what you’re given and you’ve just need to learn what works for you. Once, I had a roommate who’s mustache would have made a walrus jealous but no beard to speak of. He rocked that stache so hard he put Tom Selleck to shame. But in the interest of the question, I’d put myself right below a Scott Avett. He’s one of my favorite musicians. You don’t know what your beard is going to look like until you grow it out and for some people it takes a while for their beard to hit its stride. I’d encourage every guy to try not shaving for a whole six months and see what it’s looking like at that point. I’d say then you can get a pretty clear picture about whether or not it’s for you.
Will you shave it at the end of November, or let it grow? Â
No, the beard is here to stay and it will be until next November.
And now, what everyone has been waiting for:
*applause for No Shave November*