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“ONE Love” Theta Nu Xi Co-Founder, Anahita Sarshar!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.
What is your full name?
Anahita Sarshar

What year are you?

What are your majoring in at VCU?
I am majoring in  Business Marketing and minoring in Media Studies

What are your plans after graduation?
I’m going to take some time off and travel the summer before selling my soul to the corporate world.

What organizations are you involved in?
Other than my Sorority, I have been involved in countless student orgs including being a Student Ambassador, Persian American Students (PAS), Ziba Persian Dance Crew, Student Government Association (SGA), Cary & Belvidere Hall Council President, Intercultural Festival and Invisible Children. I was Miss Congeniality for Alpha Phi Alpha’s 2009 Miss Black & Gold Pageant and modeled in African Student Union’s Fashion Show. 

How did you get started in your sorority?
 In the Summer of 2008, I was approached to bring Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Incorporated to VCU. Anxious to bring the first multicultural sorority to the diverse campus, our dreams were put on hold due to the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) at VCU suspending the expansion of any new organizations for a full year. After an enormous amount of time, effort and work, the MGC approved Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Incorporated to expand on campus. On May 2, 2010 the Alpha Kappa colony was established on VCU’s campus. The rest is History.

What is your position in Theta Nu Xi and how long have you been involved?

I’ve been public relations and social chair since we were first established on May 2nd, 2010. I was Assistant Dean of Intake for our Fall 2011 line as well as our Spring 2012 line.

What is Theta Nu Xi’s message?

Our purpose is to bring all types of different people from different races, cultures, religions, backgrounds and lifestyles together and celebrate our differences. Our mission is to promote leadership, multiculturalism and self-improvement through academic excellence, involvement in and service to the campus and community as well as being living examples of sisters of diversity together as ONE.

What makes Theta Nu Xi stand out from the rest?
We only speak of ourselves and what we can do, never against others. We’re not trying to compete or be better than someone else. We just do what we do and are who we are. Our purpose is to bring everyone together, as we say “ONE Love”. We also have a capactiy of a maximum of 30 active Butterflies in a chapter. We do this to assure we are all close knit and everyONE is always included and loved.

Because you have a very limited amount of girls crossing each semester (or year) how do you pick which butterflies to cross?
Our selection process is private but we look for true passion is what we believe in. We look for strong character, achievement, work ethics, and most importantly, they must be living examples of our 5 tenets: Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, Leadership, and Multiculturalism. We are truly multicultural and specifically look for women who embody multiculturalism, not just because of their heritage, but because of how they think. 

Where do you want to see the sorority in 10 years?
I know Alpha Kappa will continue to grow tremendously. This school consists of immense diversity and we are meant to be here. I expect TNX to grow and thrive each and every year until we reach our full potential.

What is your favorite memory from being involved in the sorority?
My favorite memory is when we, the Founding Line, were introduced to VCU campus and community on May 4th, 2010 during our Emergence at the Student Commons Plaza and got to share our passion and purpose with over 150+ supporters. (An Emergence is the public presentation of a chapter’s newest initiates. It is a celebration of the new members, the Sorority and chapter history, and it also highlights the individual personality of each line and line member). 
If you weren’t in school, what would you be doing?
I absolutely love being a Ram, but if I wasn’t here, I would be traveling the world. I’m dying to go eat real Thai food in Thailand, explore the pyramids in Egypt, float down the Grand Canal with a gondolier once again, and visit Persepolis in the the motherland, Iran.

I heard you got the Rowdy Ramz Award, what is it and how does it feel to get this award?

 I got chosen to to be an Ultimate Ram Finalist and represent the entire student body for the 2011-2012 game year. I was the first female to be a finalist. It felt absolutely amazing and was an honor to be a finalist alongside some of the most passionate Ram Fans- Chris Pav Crowley and Ryan Kopacsi.

What has been the biggest accomplishment you’ve done independently (without the sorority)?

I’m the founder of a popular VCU tradition: Midnight/Latenight Breakfast. Working as the Chairwoman of Information and Technology in SGA, with tremendous help from our wonderful advisers, awesome committee members and lovely Aramark officials, I was able to bring everyone together to celebrate the nearing end of each and every semester with a night of music, fun, dancing and tasty breakfast.

If you could be anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Michael Jackson. I’ve been in love with him since I was 5 and will forever be in love with the King of Pop.



Mymy Dinh is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, pursuing a career in pharmacy. Born on January 20, 1992, she is the second oldest out of 5 children. She is also majoring in science with a double minor in chemistry and biology. She enjoys volunteer work, being around her family, organizing desks and rooms, shopping, meeting new people, and traveling.