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Quincy Dodge ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Quincy Dodge

Age: 19

Hometown: Fredericksburg

Major: Economics

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Relationship status: Single

Campus involvement: Treasurer for Her Campus VCU.

What’s your favorite thing about VCU? I love the location in Richmond, and how big VCU is. You’ll never run out of people to meet or things to do.

Best concert you’ve been to: The Arctic Monkeys at The National last February.

Who would play you in the movie of your life? For a young version of me, probably Zooey Deschanel (sans bangs); Jennifer Garner would play me when I’m older.

Favorite childhood memory: Sailing in the summertime with my dad and grandpa.

Any hidden talents? I can parallel park like a boss.

Fashion trend you hate: Sock buns!

One thing guys do that you will never understand: Forgoing laundry by wearing dirty clothes.

What’s your guilty pleasure? Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Three words to describe yourself: Fearless, reasonable, caring.

Sarah is from Lynchburg, Virginia but has lived in Richmond since attending Virginia Commonwealth University in 2012 where she studied Mass Communications with a concentration in print journalism. She began contributing to Her Campus at VCU as a freshman and was developed to lead the chapter as Campus Correspondent for two years where she increased membership by 65% and brought the chapter ranking from bronze level to platinum level. She enjoyed attending both the mid-atlantic conferences held with the chapter at the College of William & Mary and Her Conferences held in NYC.  Sarah currently works in the tech industry in marketing. She has a background in communications, hospitality and nonprofit consulting. She still loves attending VCU basketball games and also loves live music. In her free time, she likes going on long walks with her dog, tending to her house plants and cycling around downtown. Fun fact: she has never owned a car and is a community advocate for public transit. Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn.