Quincy Dodge
Age: 19
Hometown: Fredericksburg
Major: Economics
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Relationship status: Single
Campus involvement: Treasurer for Her Campus VCU.
What’s your favorite thing about VCU? I love the location in Richmond, and how big VCU is. You’ll never run out of people to meet or things to do.
Best concert you’ve been to: The Arctic Monkeys at The National last February.
Who would play you in the movie of your life? For a young version of me, probably Zooey Deschanel (sans bangs); Jennifer Garner would play me when I’m older.
Favorite childhood memory: Sailing in the summertime with my dad and grandpa.
Any hidden talents? I can parallel park like a boss.
Fashion trend you hate: Sock buns!
One thing guys do that you will never understand: Forgoing laundry by wearing dirty clothes.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Keeping Up With the Kardashians
Three words to describe yourself: Fearless, reasonable, caring.