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A Single Girl’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.


It’s that time of year again, the time of red and white, cute stuffed animals, and heart shaped boxes filled with chocolates. We walk through the holiday themed aisles and can’t help but sigh.

Yep… it’s Valentine’s Day!

Some of us have re named this holiday to ‘Single Awareness Day’. In doing this, we put some kind of scarlet letter on everyone who is single on Valentine’s Day. Sadly girls and yes, even guys can turn this holiday into a pity party. Some people will have a tendency to complain about our misfortunes of being single but I have three words for all of you, GET OVER IT.

Is it really that heart wrenching to not have a boyfriend/girlfriend?! Being in a relationship should never define or validate you. If you need a man or a woman in your life to make you feel this way, you are probably not ready for a relationship. If Valentine’s Day is about expressing how we feel to the people we love, why do we think this only pertains to couples? Love is not exclusive to people who are dating. Love is felt in our families, friends and the people around us. Love is selfless; we will not be able to learn how to love unless we learn think of other people beside ourselves.

  1. Don’t have a Valentine to give presents to? Give to someone special who is already in your life!
    Some of us are staying on campus away from our families and our studies have been keeping us from spending time with our loved ones. It would mean the world to a parent who misses their child to receive a surprise in the mail or an unexpected visit. You may be surprised to see how little thoughtful sentiments for your parents can mean so much! Send a card in the mail that plays music or one that can have your voice recorded on it. Try to set up a Skype date with your family. If you are able to, visit them on Valentine’s Day weekend to spend time with them. Don’t forget to let your close friends know how much you love them too!
  1. Give some Love to the community.
    There will never be a day that goes by when we do not come in contact with people who need our help. Get a group of friends to buy/make some food for the homeless. If you are a member of a church, try to volunteer for a charity event. Charity is more than giving to those in need, making generous donations or working at food drives. Reach out to the person you know who is left out or ignored. Let’s try to practice more patience and tolerance with the people around us. It is amazing how a simple smile can really brighten up someone’s day.
  1. Relax and have a great time!
    Take the day off from studying and stress! Get a group of friends and spend quality time together. Enjoy this time to relax with the people you care about. As college students, we know first-hand about how much stress can affect us so it’s time to reward ourselves! Ladies, go out and buy something or take a trip to the salon to get pampered! Guys, be happy you can skip the chocolates and use the time to hit up the gym or go for a relaxing jog. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s enjoyable and relaxing!

As young single men and women, we can at times become saddened and impatient to be in a relationship. Being in a relationship can be a wonderful experience, but as young men and women we should not over romanticize it. Embrace this time to take advantage of being single to focus on your goals, your purpose and to practice patience. This does not mean we need to sit and wait for the next guy or girl to come along, it means to just enjoy life and put the proper things into perspective. Valentine’s Day is a chance for us to show our family, friends, people in our community and even ourselves some love. Why only do this on one day of the year? Let’s try to do this everyday of our lives. 

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

Maria Gurliaccio is a junior at Virginia Commonwealth University studying Public Relations. She has great enthusiasm for politics and is always ready for a good debate with people that she comes in contact with. In her spare time she enjoys writing, playing the piano, reading and enjoying life.
Sarah is a Mass Communications student at VCU with a concentration in Online/Print Journalism. She is passionate about veganism, traveling, music, health and fitness. Her plans after graduation are to move to NYC and work within the journalism field.