Dear VCU Police Department,
Thank you for keeping us safe and watching over our new home. For most of us, this is our first time living away from home, and you help keep a watchful eye over us. Now I know that while your profession is one of the most underrated ones out there, you are very much appreciated. I grew up surrounded by police officers and emergency personnel, so respect for the badge is something that has been ingrained in me since I can remember. To me, you all will always be the heroes that keep us safe, and I am grateful to be at a school that has police officers like you all. I can not even begin to imagine what it is like to patrol a school like VCU.
Keeping college students safe has to be a daunting task considering some of the self-destructive behavior that is exhibited by a lot of students when they get their first taste of freedom. However, it has to be very rewarding because you get to see a product of your hard work every day. You get the chance to see the school thrive, as well as the students. Thank you for keeping us straight and when we do have issues and thank you for helping us correct them.
You get to see us at our best and our worst. In a single night, you can be seen all over campus helping to keep the peace. You are there for us when we need you the most and you are there when we need a little peace of mind walking home at night. Although you may think that a lot of your work goes unnoticed, it does not for me. There have been many nights that while walking home, I will see one of you patrolling and it makes me feel so much more at ease. I know that while not everyone will appreciate what you do, but know that most of us really do appreciate everything you do for us.
Thank you for putting yourself out there and working to keep us safe. Now, most students may not see the risk that you put on yourself every day, but to those of us who do we thank you. In a world that does not always treat you all as equals, we see you as the people who work every day just to keep us safe. Most of all, thank you for choosing to protect and serve VCU.