Certain words were created with the sole purpose of degrading women. For years, we’ve had to put up with being told that we needed to act a certain way. Well, here’s how we feel about those words, now.
1.     “Ladylike”
When we were little girls, being told to “act like a lady” seemed harmless to those saying it and to those of us that heard it. It was just one of those things you were “supposed” to do. The term, “ladylike,” as defined by Google Definition is as follows: “appropriate for or typical of a well-bred, decorous woman or girl.” Here it is used in a sentence: “it wasn’t ladylike to be too interested in men.” To put the word into even simpler terms, to be “ladylike” is to cross your legs while sitting, to never say a “bad” word (even if by accident), not to burp, pass gas or take part in any other bodily functions and finally, be extremely modest and conservative. Well, now that we’re no longer little girls, we see right through one of the words that has suffocated our character and our right to act less like a “lady” and more like ourselves for years. We don’t want to hear it. Thanks.
2.      “Thot,” or any other variation of the word
Allow me to start off by saying that a person’s sexual life is their own business. Society has, for some odd reason, decided that a woman is not allowed to make her own sexual decisions. Allow me to elaborate. A man is allowed to have as much sex as he wants, as often as he wishes, with whomever he chooses. A woman, on the other hand, better not even think about it. Being a “thot” is not only about a woman’s “body count.” It goes deeper than that. You can be classified as a “thot” for doing something as simple as leaving your house without wearing a boob prison (a bra). You can be classified as a “thot” for doing something as simple as having more than one friend of the opposite sex. You can be classified as a “thot” for doing something as simple as taking and posting a picture on social media while having larger-than-average breasts or a larger-than-average behind. Next.
3.      “Classy”
The “classy vs trashy” argument is tired and lame. Women are sick of being told to “have some class” just because we don’t meet the conventional standards that society has set for us. Long gowns are gorgeous, but so are short dresses. Turtlenecks are cute, but so are v-necks. Reading books are fun, but so is going out on a Friday night. Women are tired of being told what we need to do to satisfy another person. We should not have to seek respect from anyone. We should not have to dress ourselves the way we wish to be addressed. If you’re not the one he can “bring home to mama,” then so be it. At least you know you dodged that bullet. Women are tired of being told that we can’t “flaunt what we’ve got.” Instead of being told to be classy, why aren’t women told to be happy? A woman’s choice to step outside of the borders that society has held her to is not due to the fact that she doesn’t have respect for herself. She just doesn’t need yours.