I’ve had a valentine on some years, some years I haven’t had one. To me, it’s no big deal. But to others, it’s a huge deal. For every “Happy Valentine’s Day!” I see a “Happy Single’s Awareness Day!” But why does it have to be like that? If you’re calling it that, it’s your fault that you feel bad about yourself. Why should we make ourselves feel bad because we’re single? We shouldn’t. We shouldn’t let ourselves feel bad because happy couples are celebrating their love. No one is forcing us to participate. No one is trying to make you feel bad because they are in a relationship and you’re not. The only person who controls how you feel is you. When I see happy couples, I’m not jealous or annoyed — I’m happy! And you should be, too. Falling in love can be a beautiful thing and for some, Valentine’s Day is a day to be extra loving! If you’re one of those people who doesn’t need Valentine’s Day to show your loved one how much you care, no one is forcing you to participate either!
Valentine’s Day is a made up holiday. The reason why it’s so big? We buy into it! Restaurants and venues hold special events for Valentine’s Day, there are heart-shaped things everywhere and candy and flower sales go through the roof. My simple solution for the anti-Valentine’s Day person — don’t buy into it! Again, no one is forcing you to participate! If you go about your day as normal, you’ll barely even notice that Valentine’s Day is happening.
Seriously. Last year I kept having to remind myself what day it was so I wouldn’t forget to call my parents and wish them a Happy Valentine’s Day.
Participate in Valentine’s Day festivities — or don’t! But whatever you do, don’t let it get you down. There are more important things to worry about than whether or not you’ll spend Valentine’s Day alone. At least, I really hope that’s not your number one priority.
Happy Valentine’s Day, collegiettes! (…or not)