When things go wrong, you may see a lot of astrologers blame Mercury retrograde. However, did you know that each Mercury retrograde signifies something different each time? In fact, we went into a retrograde that started on Sep. 27, which will end on Oct. 18. There were two more this year, one at the beginning of this year from Jan. 30 to Feb. 20 and another that started May 29 and ended on June 22.
The previous retrogrades were in the signs Aquarius, the house of blessings, and Gemini, the house of sharing. This current retrograde is in the Tropical sign, Libra. Libra rules the seventh house, which is the house of relationships, partnerships and friendships. During this time, it can be a test on all of your relationships. Some individuals may show their true colors during this time. However, Mercury is the planet of communication. Therefore, there may be a lot of miscommunication during this time.
In fact, because of this, there are some things you should do and should not do during this time. One trick that I have learned is to do things that start with “re,” such as recycling things that you no longer need, reuniting with an old loved one or revising your life. However, you should not start long-term projects, change your pins or passwords or purchase electronics. Marriage is also a big no during this time period. It is also important to note that when Mercury rises and sets before the sun, it is a “Morning Star,” meaning that mornings will probably be better than nights.
However, if Mercury rises and sets after the Sun, it is called the “Evening Star,” which is the opposite of the Morning Star. It may be better to do things at night. The beginning of this cycle, Sep. 27 through Oct. 8, was the Evening Star, so your sleep schedule may have become a little messed up. However, from Oct. 10 to the end of this retrograde period, we are in the Morning Star period.
Another reason this Mercury retrograde may have been a bit intense is because Saturn was also in retrograde, causing the effects to be amplified. However, Saturn’s retrograde ended on Oct. 11, which may make this last week of retrograde a bit easier. Saturn is the planet of karma, which was in Capricorn due to the retrograde. Therefore, with the Mercury retrograde, this was a time of growth and maturing for a lot of people. However, we will still be in retrograde for Jupiter, which is in Pisces, until Oct. 18.
The planet of luck and fortune being in Pisces may have us all a bit too optimistic during this time, but when it goes direct, we will have a lot of eye-opening information coming forward. While that is the last day in this year for Mercury and Jupiter retrograde, we still have one more. Venus retrograde will start on Dec. 19 in the sign, Capricorn. While these retrogrades might throw you off track, it is important to remember that this is all a part of your growth and everything has happened during this period for a reason.