“Jane the Virgin” is a critically acclaimed show for numerous reasons. The show centers around Jane Villanueva, who accidentally becomes pregnant after being artificially inseminated. It takes a lot for me to get into a show, and originally I was hesitant to watch “Jane the Virgin”. However, after sitting down and watching the first episode I was hooked, and I never looked back. The show consists of complete plot twists, a hilarious narrator and an amazing storyline. Here are some reasons that I believe that everyone should watch “Jane the Virgin.”
1. A unique love triangle
This show is anything but ordinary. Every show has to have some sort of love triangle, but when it comes to “Jane the Virgin” you find yourself changing teams for the love triangle every episode.
2. Female empowerment
The main character, Jane, was raised by her mother and grandmother. The show loves to embrace female empowerment as well as important issues like immigration.
3. A well thought out plot
The show really thinks out it’s plots early on and that lets the show connect really easily. Throughout a scene the narrator sometimes says, “we’ll get to that later.” Two seasons later when something major happens the narrator says, “I told you we’d get back to that later.” I just love how thought out the plot is.
4. Raphael’s face
Need I say more? Not to be biased or anything but anytime the other main character, Raphael, comes on the screen I can’t help but swoon.
5. Every episode ends with a surprise
This show could have a typical plot the entire episode, and then in the last five minutes have a complete plot twist that changes the show forever. I love watching a show where I have no idea what happens next.
6. Great chemistry between the cast
The casts chemistry is amazing on screen and off. You can see all over social media, how supportive they are of each other and how much they love their jobs. The casting director did an amazing job casting this cast.
7. The narrator is amazing
The narrator, voiced by Anthony Mendez, brings the perfect comedic taste into the show. Without him, the show wouldn’t be the same.
8. It’s not like any show you’ve seen before
Have you ever seen a show about 23-year-old virgin who gets pregnant from an accidental artificial insemination? The show is so original and well thought out. I completely get why it’s critically acclaimed.
Overall, “Jane the Virgin” has comedy, romance, mystery and drama. It’s everything you could ever think of and ask for in a TV show. I highly suggest that everyone watches this critically acclaimed show on Netflix or the CW!