College is a time for finding yourself, late nights in the library, creating your coffee addiction, finding lifetime friends and yes, boring classes. We all have to go through those boring and sometimes pointless core curriculum classes that have nothing to do with our major and future career. Just because you hate the class or the professor, doesn’t mean you should just give up, put forth no effort and skip class. There have been classes that I absolutely dreaded going to in my college career, but despite my lack of motivation for a class, I’ve never skipped a college class.
Don’t get me wrong, there have been times where I just wanted to crawl under my covers and skip that class that I had absolutely no interest in. But I got out of bed and somehow mustered up enough energy to face my day and that class. Of course, when I’ve been so sick that I couldn’t get out of bed and didn’t want to make my classmates sick I’ve missed a class, that’s just common courtesy to those around you and your healing process. If I just have a bad cold that I can manage, I take some cold medicine and cough drops and make my way to class despite just wanting to stay in bed and sleep all day.
My parents have worked hard and continue to work hard to provide me with a quality college education. Which I am entirely grateful for, cause sadly not everyone can afford high priced college tuition and fees. The way I look at it, this is the time to prove to my parents that they raised me to work hard and never give up. They taught me not to be a quitter because life isn’t always easy. My parents have poured too much money into my college career for me to skip classes simply because I find it boring or tedious. Â
College isn’t like high school; you can’t just not try and hope for the best. Your GPA and grades in college affects your near future. When you try, and get good grades on tests in classes that you hate, you will have a new-found sense of accomplishment. If you can attempt to care about a subject you can’t stand, you can do anything.
When you think of college you don’t think of those non major related classes you’re practically forced to take, but everyone is in the same boat and it’s just something we all have to do to meet our graduation requirements. So buckle down and don’t skip because you won’t be in that class forever. Soon enough you’ll be taking classes related to your major and you’ll forget all about sitting in that torturous class. Go to class and at least try to pass, your GPA and future will thank you.
Photo credit: Cover photo, 1, 2.Â