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Six Reasons You Should Go Meatless on Mondays (And Some Recipes to Try Instead!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.


Despite the associations of vegetarianism with a certain lifestyle (i.e. Nuevo-hippie) it can be agreed that eating less meat is good for the environment, good for the health, and good for all wonderful creatures. Here is a list that should convince you to go without meat, even for just one day a week.

1.     Meat is high in cholesterol, calories, and saturated fat

America is the home to McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, and many more fast food restaurants with relatively low quality meat which is high in fat. Reducing meat intake also reduces risks for obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.

Everyone needs their protein fix. Try this recipe from flatoutbread.com for a peanut butter & jelly wrap with strawberries, banana and granola instead. It’s delicious and incredibly healthy! 


2.     Over 55 billion animals are killed per year due to meat production

Many animals suffer overcrowding, mutilation, and stress when they are raised simply to be killed and eaten. No animal deserves a life like that… and check out how adorable this baby cow is!

Instead of grabbing a quick burger, try making these apple nachos from manifestvegan.com! They’re super easy and are healthier than anything Chipotle can offer. 


3.     Meat production is a major cause of climate change and global warming

Animals produce natural gases, mainly methane. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas which traps heat into our atmosphere, causing global warming. In fact, scientists have said that about 18% of global warming can be attributed to animals raised for consumption.  

Want a “superfood” snack or healthy breakfast instead? Check out this avocado toast from yumsugar.com! They offer a step-by-step tutorial, and it took her less than 5 minutes to make, and that’s taking into account the amount of time it takes to toast the bread. 


4.     Reducing meat production could bring relief to world hunger and famine

Livestock in the US consume about 5 times the amount of grain which could feed the entire population of our nation! If we cut back on the amount which is fed to cattle, more grain and soybeans could be made available for people experiencing hunger around the globe.

Instead, why don’t you try some vegetarian dumplings from bennydoro.com? They’re very filling, as they make up to six servings, and they’re super fresh!


5.     Meat costs more than veggies

One pound of steak at a grocery store goes for about $6.47, while broccoli is about $2 per pound.

Speaking of, check out this cool broccoli and cheddar soup recipe we found on chow.com.


6.     All the cool kids are doing it!

In 2008, the UN advised citizens to go one day per week without meat. Among the awesome people going meatless are Natalie Portman, Bill Clinton, Rosa Parks, and Mike Tyson. Let’s be real, who doesn’t want to be like Natalie Portman?

And for the finale, of course we could never forget about pasta salad. This fruit filled pasta salad from dougmesstic.com will keep you energized and satisfied!