A Thank You Letter To My Superhero, My Mom
Superheroes come in all shapes and sizes. You usually see superheroes on TV or comic books. They usually wear capes or masks and they come out when someone needs their help.
My superhero comes in the shape of my mom. I see her everyday, usually on FaceTime because I am away at school. She wears the invisible mom cape and she is always there for me, whether I think I need help or not.
From the day I was born my mom has been the most amazing mother and woman I have ever met. She has devoted her whole life to my little brother and me, and I cannot thank her enough for that. For the last nineteen years, she has balanced a demanding career with two demanding kids. To this day, I have no idea how she did it and continues to do it all. And I just want to simply say thank you to her,
Thank you Mom for giving me this amazing life. Thank you for working as hard as you do to provide Jeffrey and I with this amazing life. I know that sometimes it isn’t always easy to balance your job, tennis matches, baseball practices, and play practice but somehow you do. Thank you for supporting me in everything I do, even the crazy things. You were there to support me when I decided I wanted to go to sleep away ballet camp when I was 11, or when I decided I wanted to go on Outward Bound the summer of my freshman year of high school. You never discouraged me even when you found out I would not have electricity or running water when I went to either place. Thank you for teaching me what hard work looks like. You came from humble beginnings, paid your way through college, and made yourself an amazing career. Because you worked at home, I saw first hand all the hard work you had put into your work everyday of your life even on the weekends and at 2 AM. Seeing that, made me want to work hard in everything I do. And finally, thank you for always being my best friend. You are my support system, my shoulder to cry on, my confident, and my shopping partner. I can never repay you for all the late nights you have stayed up with me talking to me about friend or boy problems, even to this day. Thank you for being my superhero, my mom, and the most amazing person.
Love you to the moon and back,