Going off to college is an exciting time because of the newfound freedom and independence; for many, it’s a time where you start going to your first parties on the weekends. As a freshman in college, one of the first things I experienced at Virginia Tech was making friends and going out to parties with them to avoid being lonely in my room. At first it was really fun, but as time went on I became tired of consistently going and felt burnt out. I began to feel more lonely in a room full of people than by myself. Going out at night is not everyone’s scene, and that is OK. You may think that everyone else is partying except for you when so many other people feel the same way as you. If you’re like me and want to find things to do besides going to a party full of people, here are some of my suggestions.
- watch a movie with a friend
On a chilly night, one of the most comforting things is to put on a movie, make popcorn, and spend time with friends. Having a movie night is a great alternative to going to a party if you enjoy a lowkey night. This is one of the easiest, cheapest and fun ways you can hang out with a couple of friends and have fun in college. Just make sure you have enough snacks and candy to create a sufficient movie night.
- bake with friends
Some of my best laughs are from standing around a kitchen table baking with my friends. Baking is a great way to have fun with friends and then enjoy a treat after. Try out different recipes and get creative with them. Giving out baked goods is also a great way to make friends with people.
- arts and crafts
A fun way to have fun with some friends is to do arts and crafts with them. Whether that’s painting a canvas, tie-dyeing shirts, completing a puzzle or doing any other sort of craft, it’s sure to be a fun time. Not only is arts and crafts fun to do with friends but also a form of stress relief, and it is worth to give it a try.
- host a game night
If you’re looking for a more upbeat kind of night, hosting a game night is a perfect idea. Game nights can be really fun if you’re competitive, like me. Some of my favorite games include Jack Box games, Code Names and Secret Hitler.
- read a book
While reading a book may seem like a boring night alone, it can be a relaxing way to decompress from the school week. I rediscovered my love for reading recently when I was bored and decided to pick up a romance novel. Staying in and reading a book might be a good idea if you’re looking for a chill night in.