Each December we make a list in our heads about what we will and will not do in the next year. We think about what we want want to change and improve. We naturally feel that a new year will be the new start we have been waiting for.
In reality, nothing usually changes. We stick to our goals for a couple weeks and then fade out. I am guilty of doing this just as most people are, but it stops now. It is 2017. We have been pushing off these new lifestyle changes and new beginnings each year, and that’s why this year, is going to be YOUR year. I am speaking it into existence.
1. Treat Yourself
We deserve to pamper ourselves on our own whenever we feel we need it. From little things like a random ice cream trip and getting a mani/pedi, to big things like a new purse or new shoes. Whatever improves your mood, do it shamelessly.
2. Focus On Your Goals
Like you have been doing for years, set some new year goals. Whether your goal is to get fit, get into photography, focus on school or anything at all, make sure you keep it your top priority. We have no time to waste this year and even though it will take time to see progress, you can always be doing something to better yourself towards that goal.
3. Be Selfish
This year should you need to make choices catered to you, and only you – not your friends, boyfriend, family or anyone but yourself. This is your life and you should trust yourself to make the right decisions to lead you to the path you want to be on. You shouldn’t worry about pleasing anyone but yourself regardless, but sometimes we get lost in making decisions based on other people. It’s okay though we’ve all done it, but it stops now.
4. Go for Your Dream
Everyone has a fantasy that they wish they could be a reality. For me it is to be a Supermodel. Will that happen? Probably not, but it will not hurt to try. Anything is possible and if you have a crazy dream like mine then you should definitely go for it. It doesn’t matter if it seems impossible to get to that dream, you have to try. Otherwise your whole life it will only be just a dream and you will always wonder where you would have ended up if you actually went after it. For now, just take baby steps. Research how you can accomplish that dream, what you can do to be better and look at other people who have done it.
5. Change
None of the steps above will mean anything if you don’t actually change. In order to make 2017 your year you have to stick to everything you promised yourself. It’ll seem hopeless and you might want to give up but if you do, you are letting go of a chance to make this year what you’ve always wanted. Which is to be better.
Dedicate this entire year to yourself because you deserve it and you need it. Use these 5 tips to create the starting point for the best year you’ve ever had.
Image Sources: Giphy.com