Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, a day of love and appreciation for the people who mean the most to you. Valentine’s Day is representative of all the people that deserve love in your life. For many, it’s a day to celebrate your significant other. However, for me, this Valentine’s Day, I’ve been making a list of people and things that have changed my life for the better and trying to show them appreciation. Valentine’s Day is more than just romantic relationships. It’s about the people who are making you a better version of yourself and the people who are constantly there to support you.
As well as Valentine’s Day coming up, our Her Campus applications are now open. This article is meant as a tribute to the beautiful women at Her Campus, specifically at Virginia Tech. As college students, we go through a lot. As a creative person, when I am faced with complicated moral dilemmas, trials and tribulations, or just having a bad day, I need a safe space to be able to talk about it and really process my emotions. The beauty of Her Campus is the safe space these women have created to share those thoughts and worries.
This is not about Her Campus as a brand or as a nationwide club, this is a thank you letter to the girls at Virginia Tech who have put their heart and soul towards making sure everybody’s heard and giving them an outlet to be themselves. The girls in Her Campus at Virginia Tech are a group who are loving, kind, willing to listen and overall women I look up to. All the girls on the team are one of a kind, and seeing and reading about their struggles means I also get to see how they overcome obstacles. I get to see what inspires them to be better people. Everybody at Her Campus is working hard towards personal growth and growth. These girls truly are an inspiration. I feel lucky to be a part of something so special. Especially as my time at Virginia Tech has not been the easiest ride, and I’ve met unpleasant people, knowing these girls and seeing what they stand for gives me hope and joy to be here.
Each team we have here focuses on a different aspect, we have an editing team, a writing team, a social media team and an event planning team. The editing team helps to teach the writing team and guide them through proper writing etiquette. Our editing team is there to support writers and make sure they’re the best version of themselves. The writing team gets to tell the world of their struggles, their highs and lows, their journey, or anything that has meaning to us. Our social media team is making sure we’re reaching out to others and really connecting with each other even though we can’t always see them in person, especially due to the COVID-19 restrictions. They work towards reaching other people who aren’t in our group and letting them know they’re not alone and that there are other girls struggling just like them. Our event planning team focuses on getting the girls who are already here together so we can bond, talk and get to know each other.
Her Campus at Virginia Tech is one of the most meaningful parts of my life because of the freedom to write what I’m feeling and share it with others. All the while I have other women around me supporting me, cheering me on and getting to see every milestone of my life, and providing me with an audience to also see that. Her Campus is a wonderful organization and the idea of a group of women coming together to produce this website is amazing, but it is not all that we are. We are a group of women supporting each other through college struggles and being there to listen, support and reach out to those in need.
I encourage all women, if you’re looking for a group of friends or a place to feel welcome, to think about joining the team at Virginia Tech. It’s truly a great organization with the right ideas. We welcome all opinions and all women. The world would be boring if we were all the same. Luckily, at Her Campus, we come together as a group of women who are very different and create friendships that can last a lifetime. So if any of the positions I mentioned are intriguing to you or if you’re just looking for a safe space, definitely look into applying here with us. We would love to have you.