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Here’s What Has Happened Since Trump’s Inauguration

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

America has survived one week of Donald Trump’s reign as President. Well, barely. It has been a long, brutal seven days filled with protests, heartache and unimaginable circumstances. All kinds of American citizens have felt their rights being taken away and laughed at for being who they are. It is disturbing and strays away from our Constitutional ideals.

If you’ve been living under a rock or have refused to watch the news in horror of seeing what may come next, I have compiled a list below of everything that has happened since Donald J. Trump became president of the United States.

1. Women’s March on Washington

It wasn’t even one full day after Trump’s Inauguration that millions of women, men, children and even dogs took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to protest the Inauguration. Celebrities gathered with us “normal” people to challenge President Trump and his plans to defund Planned Parenthood as well as alienate so many of our God-given rights. It was a truly beautiful event in history that didn’t end up in violence or arrests.

2. Reinstatement of the Global Gag Rule

Who gave the right to a man to make decisions about what a women can and cannot do with her own body? Apparently Donald Trump believes he can. The reinstatement of the Global Gag rule bans US foreign aid to poorer countries to help women receive safe abortions and medical care. This will lead to thousands of unnecessary deaths and decreased availability of contraceptives. A women should be the only person in control of her body and what SHE wants to do with it.

3. Revival of the Dakota Access and Keystone XL Oil Pipelines

The most upsetting part of this is that our people worked so hard to protest and put an end to these pipelines and seemed to have been successful until Donald Trump became President. Before Trump took office, Barack Obama had said that this oil would contribute to climate change and stopped the production. President Trump is claiming to bring back American jobs and to Americanize the oil business. All of those tears, blood and breaking backs has proved to be useless.

4. The Wall

I’ve got one word for this. Really? I mean, really? This is a 15 billion dollar horrible idea. Guess who is going to pay for this atrocity. The Mexican Government? No, sadly, US taxpayers will be responsible for paying. There is absolutely no plausible reason to have a wall constructed between The United States and our neighbor Mexico. It is not going to keep immigrants from entering our country or end the War on Drugs.

5. Banned Muslims from Entering the Country

Donald Trump has banned nearly 218 million human beings from Muslim-majority countries. Due to this, many universities in the US have advised their Muslim students to get a lawyer if they want to leave and visit their families. Not only has he banned an entire religion from our country, he has discontinued the entering of refugees. Fortunately, a Federal Judge from Brooklyn has issued a halt on the Muslim Ban.

President Trump,


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Hey I'm Celia! I am a Marketing Management major here at Virginia Tech. There are three things that I love most in this world and they are (in this order) dogs, DUNKIN and Chipotle. If I'm not coming up with new content for my next story you can catch drawing, reading or binging a new series on Netflix. To conclude this little bio, Michael Scott once said, "The only time I set the bar low is for limbo." I hope you guys enjoy reading!
Proud to be Virginia Tech's Her Campus chapter!