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How I’ve Grown to Love Having a Thanksgiving Birthday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Growing up, I loved my birthday with a fiery passion. The day would be filled with my family’s groans as I made request after request, demanding to be treated like a queen. If they protested, I had just one thing to say: it’s my birthday. I was a bit dramatic. 

My biggest fear was anyone or anything taking the spotlight away from me on my special day. So, I’m sure you can imagine my disappointment in sharing my big day with an entire national holiday. 

Every few years, my birthday falls directly on Thanksgiving. I cannot express the extent of the dissatisfaction I had as a kid when I got a turkey for my birthday dinner instead of pizza or when my family enjoyed pumpkin pie — which I didn’t even like — instead of a birthday cake. I spent my day cooking and cleaning to get ready for guests instead of watching movies and hanging out with my friends. 

Despite my selfish childhood desires, I find myself looking back and wishing I had savored more of it. Now that I am in college and away from my family, I would give anything to spend time with them.

This year, my birthday is on Thanksgiving again. Instead of dreading spending the day cooking and cleaning, I am excited to spend time with my mom learning family recipes. If there is one thing this year has taught me it is that life is short. My family isn’t going to be here forever, so I better make the most of the time we have together. 

So, yes, maybe I’ll have to eat turkey or pumpkin pie on my birthday, but I’ll enjoy every bite with my family next to me. 

Emma Virtue

Virginia Tech '26

Hi! My name is Emma Virtue, I'm from NOVA, and I'm a freshman majoring in Professional and Technical Writing. I enjoy reading, writing, watching movies, and spending time with friends!