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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed around the middle of the semester. You’ve worked so hard, yet there’s still a ways to go. Here’s how to protect your peace and navigate problems until the sweet release of winter break. 

Pace Yourself 

Assignments pile up quickly, so try making a schedule that includes due dates and  personal milestones for each one. Breaking down each task into manageable steps makes them feel less daunting. You can also use a schedule to budget time for your hobbies, fitness, and social life. It is beneficial to enjoy breaks each day. Despite what you’d expect, off time can lead to more productivity during your study sessions. Dedicating time to self-care, friends, or a well-deserved snack will boost your mood and focus when you’re back to studying. 

Have Your Own Back 

University is where you gain independence and become your own biggest advocate. It’s important to maintain an open line of communication with professors. Going to their office hours and actively participating in class is a great start. Building a rapport with professors incentivizes them to help you understand upcoming assignments and class content. If you have a question, don’t be afraid to let them know via email, office hours, or class. 

Celebrate the wins

Comparison is almost second nature to us. You may feel like you’re not doing good enough, or that your classmates are more successful. When these thoughts pop into your head, its good to challenge them. Focusing on other people’s accomplishments will not guide you to discover the best path for your success. Be supportive of your peers, but do not lose sight of your own wins. Keeping a journal can help you document goals, gratitude, and positive affirmations. Try to make time to reflect on your achievements throughout this semester, and be grateful for your skills and opportunities. 

Fuel up

This is one of the simplest yet most effective things you can do for steady focus and energy throughout the day. Eating after waking up replenishes your glucose to give you energy and alertness, and avoid a crash later in the day. Sacrifice that extra 15 minutes of sleep for an early start with a healthy breakfast. Your favorite cold brew may be delicious, but it won’t make up for a lack of food. 

Believe it or not, a time will come when you miss the buzz of college life. That’s why it’s so important to savor it! Employ some of these tips to stay the course for the rest of the semester.  

Allie McBride

Virginia Tech '26

Hi! I'm Allie, an English and Journalism major. I love baking, sketching , and talking about the latest TV show I'm obsessed with. Most of all, I love expressing myself through my writing. I am honored to be the president of HerCampus Virginia Tech!