You’re an adult now, and you can create an America that works for you! We elect our country’s representatives in November, the perfect opportunity to harness voting power. Whether this is your first election season or 50th, it’s confusing out here! Let’s explore the benefits of voting and why it’s important.
Why Vote?
Voting is a civic duty. What does that mean? A vote can decide who represents you and what issues are valued most for your country, state, or county. Each vote shapes the direction of government policies and decisions.
- For the Community
Imagine a few things that would make your town an even better place to live. It may be more school funding, infrastructure repair, transportation services, or safety implementation. You can make that image a reality! A community can only be as strong as its voters. By choosing politicians who echo your desires for local change, you are shaping your town into a better place.
- For Yourself
Voting can be a low priority for a lot of people, especially a busy college student. Your personal life may keep you busy with stress, financial difficulties, or health complications. At times like these, it’s important to remember that voting is your personal life. The political candidates you choose will affect policies that hit close to home. How your tax dollars are spent, your access to healthcare, and even your job security are decided by the politicians put in charge. And who chooses these politicians? It’s all up to the American people!
- For Representation
Deciding who’s put in power should be up to every American, not just a handful. A study by the Pew Research Center found the demographics voting the most are older people (66%) and high-income adults (60%). Comparatively, demographics like lower-income adults (3%) and young people (11%) have the lowest voter turnout. Everyone deserves to decide what our country looks like. If you want better representation in government based on the issues that matter for your identity, let your voice be heard! Deciding to vote could shift the election from someone who won’t look out for you to someone who will.
- For a Brighter Future
How you vote now will affect our country for years to come. The issues behind the ballot are bigger than one person, they affect communities’ country-wide. By thinking carefully about who you vote for, you could create a future of compassion, autonomy, and equality. Right now, it’s more important than ever to advocate for who you want to run the country. Voting and encouraging others to vote is one of the most effective ways to express political concerns and create a cultural shift.
Vote in this election, and every election that comes after. You matter. Your community matters. Raise your voice and encourage others to do the same for a future of peace, love, and prosperity.