Name: Jillian Carr
Year: Junior
Major: Finance
Hometown: Wilmington, Delaware
Her Campus Virginia Tech: What’s playing on your iPod?
Jillian Carr: “Atlantic City” by The Band. I just got back from Tennessee so I’m in a country mood lately.
HCVT: Favorite movie?
JC: Hmm…so many, but I’d have to say The Hangover; it’s funny plus Bradley Cooper is in it!
HCVT: What are three things you can’t live without?
JC: Family, friends and I couldn’t get through the day without my Coke Zero!
HCVT: If you could have any super power what would it be?
JC: To be able to teleport from one place to another, I would love to be able to go wherever I want, when I want. Plus, I hate that long drive home!
HCVT: Who is your celebrity crush?
JC: Bradley Cooper
HCVT: Best part about being a HOKIE?
JC: I love all the school spirit and football games!
HCVT: If you could meet any musician who would it be?
JC: I would love to meet DMB. I was mad that I wasn’t able to see them in concert this summer, so meeting them would definitely make up for it!
HCVT: Best class to take at VT?
JC: Design Appreciation has been by far my easiest class and it wasn’t too boring either.