Okay, ladies and gents… Can we get a drum roll, please. Hailing from Falls Church, Virginia, we have Sarah Kilbourne making her way through the “victory lap” as the girl that can do it all AND more. As a PR and French double major with a Management minor, Sarah actively participates in multiple organizations on campus and dukes it out on the field.
HerCampus Virginia Tech: What activities are you involved in at VT?
SarahKilbourne: I’m the President of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), a pre-professional organization for students interested in the PR field. I’m also an Outreach Coordinator for the Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team, a senior design team in the Mechanical Engineering department that participates in an international competition sponsored by the Department of Energy and General Motors (redesign a GM car and last year VT won 1st place.)
In addition to these two positions, I’m a Brand Ambassador for ReadyU, a college platform for Procter & Gamble where I market products such as Pantene, Old Spice and Olay to Tech students; I do Teach for Madame, a program started in honor of a French professor who passed away on 4/16; and I play on the Club Field Hockey team.
HCVT:Wow, you are so involved! What kinds of responsibilities come with those positions?
SK:With each position comes a certain amount of responsibility. Through holding these various positions, I became much better at time-management. I have learned how to effectively manage others and to delegate responsibility. My position with ReadyU has given me a lot of experience in event planning, as we have to create and implement events to market the brand.
HCVT:What is your greatest accomplishment?
SK:My greatest accomplishment so far has been getting an internship with Fleishman-Hillard in New York City this past summer. They are one of the top PR agencies in the world and it was a really rewarding experience.
HCVT:What are your plans after graduation/long term goals?
SK:After graduation, I hope to do the Teaching Assistant Program in France, where the French government hires American citizens to teach English to French students. I studied abroad in Montpellier, France in Fall 2010 and I really want to go back before I jump into the real world. After that, I’d really like to return to New York City for a couple years to work for a PR agency in their digital department. I’ve always dreamed about living in NYC thanks to my friend’s obsession. My best friend from childhood and I made a pact in middle school that one day we’d live in the City together, so I’d like to see that dream come true!
HCVT:What is your favorite thing about being a Hokie?
SK:My favorite thing about being a Hokie is the sense of community you feel. You can find a Hokie basically anywhere and they will welcome you as their own. My old roommate went to Japan once and was wearing a Hokie shirt and someone started yelling the “Go Hokies” cheer at her. I also love Hokie football season, obviously.
HCVT:What advice would you give to your peers?
SK:I think it’s important to get involved on campus. It can be in any manner you decide, but joining a couple different extra-curricular activities will serve you well in the long run. Also, don’t take your time here for granted; it’s my 5th year and I still feel like I haven’t had enough time at Virginia Tech.
HCVT:Do you have any advice for people looking to get involved at Tech?
SK:For those looking to get involved at Tech, it’s never too early and it’s never too late. I’ve talked to a lot of people through PRSSA who think that because they’re seniors they’re ineligible to join. On the flipside, the earlier you get involved, the more you can invest in that organization and your future. However, your freshman year can be pretty overwhelming, I can understand taking your time before you become involved.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.