Hurricane Florence may be behind us, but a new storm is quickly approaching. Unlike the heavy rain and strong winds of a tropical storm, the forecast for next weekend includes passive aggressive comments and cleaner rooms than usual. Here is everything you need to do in order to prepare for the storm that is parents’ weekend.
1. Set some ground rules with your friends.
It’s always a good idea to sit down with your friends and have a quick discussion about what can, and cannot, be said when in front of your parents. Some parents are laxer than others, so it’s a good idea to be on the same page before somebody lets something slip, leading to an awkward situation that everyone will regret.
2. Take it easy at the tailgate.
I know that it’s healthy to let loose every once-in-a-while, but responsibility is key. Parents love to watch their kids handle themselves like adults, so give adulthood your best shot and leave that “play hard” mentality behind.
3. DEFINITELY clean up a little bit.
Life can get really busy during this time of year and living spaces around campus usually start to mirror our stressful lives. Make sure to clean up before your parents arrive, as this will drastically lower the chances of questionable glances from your family members.
4. Plan a nice dinner out.
No matter how much you love the Pit, your parents are going to want to see the best that Winston- Salem has to offer. Make sure to call up your favorite restaurants and secure a reservation before the rest of the prepared Wake students beat you to the punch.
5. I know you forgot something at home…
Didn’t we all? Remember to call your parents in advance to remind them of those essential items you left behind. Maybe you’ll be lucky, and your parents will remember to bring them when they arrive.
6. One time offer! Eat off campus for little to no cost!.
Give your bank account a vacation and take advantage of this perfect opportunity to leave the Old Golds behind and enjoy some delicious off-campus dining. You may feel like you’re mooching, but your parents are probably just happy to spend some time with you, even if it means spending a little money.
7. Try not to get too bothered.
Let’s face it: Parents weekend can definitely feel like a storm. College is the first time that we get to enjoy a truly independent lifestyle, and as soon as we grow accustomed to being self-sufficient, our parents pop up and try to control us in ways that we no longer need. This can make parents weekend a time of frustration, which is not what it’s supposed to be. Parents weekend is simply a reassurance for your parents. All they really want is to see that you are happy and doing well. So, try not to get too annoyed with the storm, because the truth is that you may miss it after it passes.